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Thunderbird emails


I find up to 6 emails every morning that have come in overnight, regarding casinos or bitcoin. I go into Tools, Message Filters and open Block List folder and add them by copy and paste, the Name of sender AND address, and "Delete Message" selected. But they still come through. Is there a better way to block them? Unsubscribe doesn't work either as it comes up with 403 Forbidden code usually.

jenwren26 - 2020-12-18 11:03:00

Do NOT use 'unsubscribe' on unsolicited junk mail. It only lets them know you are a 'live' email addy and you'll get more junk mail from more sources as the sender will add you to a list of mail addys they'll sell.

You need to block the domain rather than a specific sender. for example if you get a mail from just block ALL mail from

Also I didn't notice until just now but UNtick 'apply filter when manually run', and I'm guessing that'll automatically run the filter next time you check the mail.

And change 'match all of the following' to 'match ANY of the following'.

Edited by nice_lady at 11:43 am, Fri 18 Dec

nice_lady - 2020-12-18 11:28:00

personally I wouldn't bother blocking domains either... these lists usually have a finite limit to the number you can add to the list. The spammy addresses are often from random addresses in which the account/domain is short lived - or come from common webmail providers, so you will possibly end up blocking legitimate contacts.

Unsubscribe from legitimate mailing lists (casinos and bitcoin aren't usually) and use the junk mail settings provided in thunderbird, the column with the orange flame icon... plus get TB to auto move them to the spam folder which for some reason it doesn't do by default

Edited by king1 at 12:18 pm, Fri 18 Dec

king1 - 2020-12-18 12:16:00
jenwren26 wrote:

I find up to 6 emails every morning that have come in overnight, regarding casinos or bitcoin.

Mark As Spam. Their filter is great, you do that to a few and you never see them again.

lythande1 - 2020-12-18 13:55:00

Thankyou all, I will try these methods and see if it improves.

jenwren26 - 2020-12-18 15:47:00
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