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Internet Phones


Having trouble getting my head around internet and phones.

As I have said in other posts we are getting a new house with only fibre service - no copper.

Fibre - I understand that fibre is fed to the Chorus type 300 ONT and from there I take an ethernet cable to my wireless modem that has four RJ45 ethernet sockets presently serving four PCs. The wireless connectivity is for an occasional use laptop.

Phone - The ONT has one RJ45 phone outlet so how do I have three phones connected? A hub of some sort? From what I read RJ11 is obsolete - RJ45 is the way to go. My present portable home phones have RJ11 plugs so I guess I need RJ11 - RJ45 adapters.

Service - What sort of ISP service do we need for phone and internet? Present phone setup is copper with internet thru cable (not fibre). We will be in the Kapiti area if that makes a difference.

Please unconfuse me wise people.

hazelthecat - 2020-12-07 13:25:00

Connect the base station phone to the phone socket of the ONT. The others will pick up from that as normal?

nice_lady - 2020-12-07 13:29:00

You should have an RJ11 , connector on the ONT, or possibly the router.

Ours has. The ISP are the people to provide the actual phone service.

nice_lady - 2020-12-07 13:32:00

The phone ports are an ATA (analog telephone adapter). Connect to ATA port (pretending its a copper run from the exchange) as you do with your current analog phones.

Edited by spyware at 1:56 pm, Mon 7 Dec

spyware - 2020-12-07 13:56:00

1. The phones are from different manufacturers. All presently plug in to RJ11 sockets in different rooms.
2. The Tel socket on the ONT is RJ45. Do I run a RJ45 cable to a phone hub and the phones plug in to that hub via adaptors?
Do not understand. This is a new build. There are no services at present.

Edited by hazelthecat at 2:14 pm, Mon 7 Dec

hazelthecat - 2020-12-07 14:13:00
hazelthecat wrote:

Phone - The ONT has one RJ45 phone outlet so how do I have three phones connected?

Get the tech to wire all your jackpoints back to the ONT. Or.
Buy phone with several handsets...these don't plug into anything excpet power...only the main one connects to ONT.

lythande1 - 2020-12-07 14:57:00

Yes, all structured cabling in new build should be cat6 (at least) with RJ45 wall sockets running to a patch panel in cabinet. So just use adapters for phones and patch the voice runs into a telco distribution module, e.g.,

It's really all last century still using analog voice but these are the backward solutions we are stuck with. Maybe dump it all, your choice, and get some IP (internet protocol) phones and port to 2Talk.

Edited by spyware at 3:04 pm, Mon 7 Dec

spyware - 2020-12-07 14:57:00

I think I get it.
1. Get a comms cabinet.
2. Install ONT in comms cabinet.
3. Install modem/hub
4. Get tech to run RJ45/Cat6 from ONT Tel socket to phone locations.
5. Get tech to run RJ45/Cat6 from hub to internet locations.

hazelthecat - 2020-12-07 15:18:00

The member deleted this message.

hazelthecat - 2020-12-07 15:24:00

Just checked our ONT.
It has two ports labelled 'Tel1' & "Tel2'. Both are RJ11
We have one base station plugged into it and a couple of other portable phones which connect wirelessly to that. Simple.

Why would you want RJ45 run to your telephone locations ?
It seems silly. And unnecessary. Phones don't natively use RJ45 plugs anyway. And why wouldn't a base station with say three portables be sufficient ?

Also this is VERY good and simple advice:

lythande1 wrote:

Get the tech to wire all your jackpoints back to the ONT. Or.
Buy phone with several handsets...these don't plug into anything excpet power...only the main one connects to ONT.

This part:
"Get the tech to wire all your jackpoints back to the ONT" is very easy.

nice_lady - 2020-12-07 18:39:00

You would install RJ45 at all locations so that the outlets can be swapped to data if and when required (when the analog phones are obsolete maybe and even the kludge of a VoIP service has been discontinued).

Note: Chorus type 300 has a single RJ45 ATA port. Only used by Spark, Compass, Megatel, MyRepublic, Now and Trustpower.

Edited by spyware at 7:46 pm, Mon 7 Dec

spyware - 2020-12-07 19:42:00

I don't have any RJ11's just a yealink W52p, and voyager internet. connected by an ethernet cable just like any other wired device on my network. Why are you making it so weird?

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-12-07 20:43:00

RJ11's will plug into a RJ45 socket.

loud_37 - 2020-12-07 21:31:00

The standard Chorus ONT is now Type 300. It has one RJ45 phone connection. For this reason I will get all phone and Ethernet connections to this standard.

Thanks everyone for your help.

hazelthecat - 2020-12-08 12:59:00
loud_37 wrote:

RJ11's will plug into a RJ45 socket.

And damages the socket.

spyware - 2020-12-08 14:50:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

I don't have any RJ11's just a yealink W52p, and voyager internet. connected by an ethernet cable just like any other wired device on my network. Why are you making it so weird?

OP is dealing with analog phones, hence the modular RJ11.

Edited by spyware at 2:52 pm, Tue 8 Dec

spyware - 2020-12-08 14:52:00
lythande1 wrote:

Buy phone with several handsets...these don't plug into anything excpet power...only the main one connects to ONT.

This is what I did. The second phone in another room is only plugged into power. Ididn't see much point in extra wiring to use jackpoints as many now only use mobiles.

Edited by inatiz at 3:20 pm, Tue 8 Dec

inatiz - 2020-12-08 15:14:00

Exactly. Our home portables are quite sufficient and they work off connectivity to ONE base station.

nice_lady - 2020-12-08 16:15:00
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