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NZ Herald "Housing market bolts away......"


"Auckland up 16.3% to hit $1m, NZ prices up 19.8%"

Despite COVID, and a predicted fall in prices.

Hey, painters were fully booked.

aklreels - 2020-11-13 06:47:00

I'm still waiting for this crash.
'Experts' have been promising it for 15 years, anyone who took any notice of them and held off buying has lost heaps!

masturbidder - 2020-11-13 09:53:00

ASB/Sovereign now at 70% for investors, including new builds. More to follow suit not waiting for RBNZ or Government.

jeffqv - 2020-11-13 10:23:00
masturbidder wrote:

I'm still waiting for this crash.
'Experts' have been promising it for 15 years, anyone who took any notice of them and held off buying has lost heaps!

Houses fell steadily in some areas between 2007 and 2015 up to 30%.

mkr_ahearn - 2020-11-13 11:59:00

No chance of any fall when the government is devoid of any ideas to combat the problem.

bryshaw - 2020-11-13 18:47:00

maybe Labour can build 100,000 homes to soften prices ..... Tui advert

jethrocat - 2020-11-13 19:17:00
bryshaw wrote:

No chance of any fall when the government is devoid of any ideas to combat the problem.

It seems doing nothing is their idea.


They need to immediately raise interest rates.

Oh and don't tell me they can't, they say "can't affect their wage rises" too but Key and Ardern have had no trouble doing that

loose.unit8 - 2020-11-14 06:25:00
masturbidder wrote:

I'm still waiting for this crash.
'Experts' have been promising it for 15 years, anyone who took any notice of them and held off buying has lost heaps!

I was part of two couples who bought a house, to get the market, in approximately 2007 fast forward 18 months and we got 2 independent validations which said it had dropped 10%. Which was consistent with the market at the time.

It does happen.

I think there is going to be one in 6 months or a year and it's going to be more than 20%

Edited by loose.unit8 at 6:30 am, Sat 14 Nov

loose.unit8 - 2020-11-14 06:30:00

Eventually & inexorably we will be swallowed by the sun ...but probably not anytime soon

funkydunky - 2020-11-21 07:11:00
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