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I need to change the F7 and F8 keys on my


windows 10, HP Laptop.

I use remote desktop connection to access the work computer. At the moment when I press the F7 or F8 key when connected to work it shows the up and down volume control. I want the F7 key to view (previous) and F8 to (view next)
I have done this before on another windows laptop (wasnt win10) but cannot remember how to do it.

Hope that makes sense. TIA

addj4 - 2020-11-05 19:18:00


remap keyboard

use your make/model and windows 10 in the google question.

nice_lady - 2020-11-05 19:28:00

Thanks, will do

addj4 - 2020-11-05 20:13:00

this isn't because the function keys are defaulting to the alternative key assignments is it? Not sure what the view (previous) and (view next) relates to but have you tried holding down the FN key bottom left and using F7 F8

king1 - 2020-11-05 21:05:00
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