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Extracting stuck sim


I have an old fashioned non smart skinny dedicated phone. I tried to insert sim and got it upside down, Can get inner piece out but card around it stuck. Any suggestions? It is for backup as screen on my smart phone died. Was difficult busy day and if you only have one phone and it dies very awkward.

hesian - 2020-10-31 16:39:00

A clear photo might help

nice_lady - 2020-10-31 16:40:00

Two needles.
One slightly pushed under the card to lift the edge
One to pull the card out by the tip of the needle

mrfxit - 2020-11-01 08:46:00

if its really stuck, dismantling the phone is probably the easiest way to access the slot. youtube the model there should be a fairly easy guide.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-11-01 09:12:00

Thanks. I have a broken arm with heavy cast above elbows bo may have to wait!

hesian - 2020-11-03 13:57:00

How about a photo so we can get a better idea of what you are dealing with.

nice_lady - 2020-11-03 14:54:00
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