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Unknown Contacts in Gmail


My wife uses Gmail and some unknown names are appearing when she goes into Compose, but they do not appear in the Contacts list. Can anyone enlighten us to the reason this may happen please.

pato1 - 2020-10-25 15:03:00

Anyone who you've ever emailed will auto-fill in the compose window, even if you haven't added them to your contacts.

videomonkey - 2020-10-25 15:20:00
videomonkey wrote:

Anyone who you've ever emailed will auto-fill in the compose window, even if you haven't added them to your contacts.

But none of these people are known or have been emailed.?

pato1 - 2020-10-25 15:50:00

There's not really any other explanation.

I have a lot of unknown addresses come up on mine, most likely people I've emailed re Trademe sales and that kind of thing.

videomonkey - 2020-10-25 15:53:00

Strange. We know for a fact that there has been no contact with the people listed. We have never heard of them.

pato1 - 2020-10-25 16:35:00
videomonkey wrote:

Anyone who you've ever emailed will auto-fill in the compose window, even if you haven't added them to your contacts.

Only if you have that option selected in settings

lythande1 - 2020-10-25 18:05:00
lythande1 wrote:

Only if you have that option selected in settings

I've got 4 Gmail accounts, it's on by default on all of them

videomonkey - 2020-10-25 18:09:00
pato1 wrote:

Strange. We know for a fact that there has been no contact with the people listed. We have never heard of them.

simple test would be to chuck one of these contacts into search, then you should get any/all emails to/from this contact

king1 - 2020-10-25 18:23:00

Thanks for that suggestion. Unfortunately they have been deleted but will keep that in mind for any more in the future.

pato1 - 2020-10-25 19:15:00
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