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Sausage Skins


I know, I know - it's a first world problem but anyone noticed how tough sausage skins are currently? I know my teeth are getting old but they're not THAT old. It's nearly impossible to bite through them lately. Wonder if the supplier has changed or maybe what they're made of - who knows. I'm sure Hellers or whoever will fob me off but I know they've changed. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed.

seaspray1 - 2020-02-02 12:54:00

Can't say I have.....there are 2 kinds: artificial and natural. natural are intestines. Cleaned. So maybe if a different animal was used, something large like an ox perhaps ...but other than that intestines are intestines.....

lythande1 - 2020-02-02 13:20:00

The natural (intestine) sausage skins are more tender to the bite, and they are also more expensive and harder to get. Your sausage-maker has changed to the artificial kind.

punkinthefirst - 2020-02-02 14:12:00

Just skin the sausages before cooking/freezing.easy as

petal1955 - 2020-02-02 15:19:00

The butcher who won supreme sausage award last year said to prevent skins getting tough don’t cook them in the oven just keep turning them in a pan or bbq. Since cooking them like that we’ve had no more tough skins.

eljayv - 2020-02-02 16:55:00

we used to use ox intestines were used for luncheon sausages when I first started in the trade a few days ago but they are a little too big for sausages but hog casing were used for sausages

mouse265 - 2020-02-02 16:59:00
eljayv wrote:

The butcher who won supreme sausage award last year said to prevent skins getting tough don’t cook them in the oven just keep turning them in a pan or bbq. Since cooking them like that we’ve had no more tough skins.

Mainly this.
Cooking in dry heat toughens the skin.
Pan frying in butter slowly or oil (a bit quicker) with constant turning, should give a softer bite.

smallwoods - 2020-02-05 23:17:00
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