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OK here goes - I'm diving in !!


I have managed to get information back 4 generations and further in some cases. (Have been silently working over the last year or so). How do you put someone on a tree who is the children of the mother, (different father) without going into information on another family tree. i.e. the father of the children. Does that make sense ?? Also can you please help with the best software to use, or is it best to get a very big piece of paper and scribble. I have so many notes - but I need to start somewhere. Can you explain a pedigree tree versus the traditional 'boxed' version linking everyone. Sorry so many questions.

janzjanz - 2020-01-29 16:56:00

I use which allows children of one mother and different fathers. It doesn't take long to fill up a piece of A4 so online trees work best for me. I have two trees against my logon as I started one of them and built it for quite a while until I found the connection to my main tree. I use ancestry as the local library has a susbscription i can use for the research part and I can work on the building part at home. I also like that I can view other peoples' tress so I may find information I don't already have.

redden39 - 2020-01-29 17:48:00

Thank you. I was considering the back of a roll of wallpaper..... much appreciated.

janzjanz - 2020-01-29 21:52:00

Just don't take other people's trees as gospel. Some just make up trees on what they think is correct without any proof of information then along comes someone and uploads the same wrong info and we shortly end up with a pile of incorrect trees.

Remember google. It can be your friend.

Search pedigree genealogy and your questions in your post should be answered.

Read through the first thread on this board for good educational posts.

nbrob - 2020-01-30 08:15:00
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