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Cheese sandwich spread


Can anyone please give me a recipe for a cheese spread which is sort of like a sort of thick emulsion which spreads easily and may contain some fine onion as well.I had a sandwich like this in a cafe recently and it was so tasty.
I suspect it may be cream cheese and cheese or mayo and cheese but unsure.

islaybrian - 2020-01-10 14:55:00

You can do it with normal cheddar. Grate it on the fine grate, then add a tsp of boiling water. Mix and add your finely chopped onion etc.

or just by Laughing Cow cheese and spread it, not the same flavour though.

lythande1 - 2020-01-10 15:44:00

I put slices of cheese on a saucer and pop in microwave for 10 or so seconds and spread on my sandwich. Just add a little finely sliced onion. By timing every few seconds you can determine the spread consistency. I use tasty cheese

clair4 - 2020-01-11 15:48:00

Tangy Cheese Spread - this is an Alison Holst recipe
This one-swipe (you don't need to use butter or other spreads as well) sandwich filling can be made ahead and kept refrigerated for up to one week. For about 1 cup of spread:
50g butter
1-2 tsp flour
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
1/4 cup milk
1 cup (100g) grated tasty cheese
1/2 tsp vinegar

Put the butter, flour and mustard together in a small pan. Heat over a medium heat, stirring continuously, until the butter has melted.
Add the milk and stir until the mixture thickens and boils. Stir in the cheese and vinegar, removing from the heat as soon as the mixture boils.
Transfer to an airtight container and store in the fridge, using as required, for up to 1 week.

pauline999 - 2020-01-11 20:12:00

I just put grated cheese and onion in a food processor with a bit of milk and mix until it's spreadable.

dolphin19 - 2020-01-11 22:49:00

Thank you to those peeps whon replied.I shall try all of your suggestions.

islaybrian - 2020-01-13 17:02:00

the cafes I've worked in all have about 1/2 cup of grated cheese, bound together with a tablespoon or so of cream cheese, and with finely chopped onion in it, for cheese and onions sandwiches. If it was the middle of winter we might give the mix a 10-15 second burst in the microwave to really soften the cream cheese and help it mix with a knife easier

ange164 - 2020-01-14 14:44:00
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