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why are names blocked in 1939 census


my mothers name appears to be blacked out in the 1939 census and I cant think of any reason why it should be

magoo2 - 2020-01-04 16:26:00

Is she still alive? And if not, when did she pass away? When they first released it, they blacked out anyone who wasn't known to be deceased in 1995 (off the top of my head, thereabouts). FindMyPast have been slowly updating them, but I think Ancestry has the original with no updates.
Also, if she passed away outside of the British Isles, they may have no record of it.

rednicnz - 2020-01-04 16:32:00

Anyone who has not had 100 years pass from their DOB (known as the 100 year rule), or not known to be deceased, has a closed record.

ogni1975 - 2020-01-04 18:19:00
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