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Ruby violet eddington (Sally) 19 August 1966


Hello can anyone help me see where she was buried. She was living in Addington Christchurch when she died. I have tried and can’t find her. Is there anyone with better knowledge of the South Island that might be able to have a look.
I’m at my wits end.

titchs_nz - 2019-12-10 19:01:00

1962 Auckland Divorce files
Eddington, Eric Harcourt v Eddington, Ruby Violet
looked for her under maiden name couldn't find her

trademe_phatie - 2019-12-10 21:33:00

Could you find her obituary? It might give some indication of where she was burried or cremated. If it tells you who the undertakers were they might have some records they would share.

daisy86 - 2019-12-11 07:33:00

Thanks. Story was Eric went to Christchurch to take care of things when she died and never told us where she is. It’s a family mystery and if there is a grave her son would like to visit it when he comes from Australia next month.

titchs_nz - 2019-12-11 07:35:00

Her death certificate should hold that information according to the DIA BDM website. It might be worth investing in.

I also note that the Christchurch Cemeteries database does not include cremations, so it is possible that she was cremated?
Is there any other location Eric may have taken her to? Like to Auckland?

rednicnz - 2019-12-11 09:45:00

that’s a thought but I doubt wife number 2 would of felt about that. I’d be surprised if he brought her to Auckland. Still we have no idea what the man was thinking. It’s something to consider. Thanks

titchs_nz - 2019-12-11 18:14:00

Try the Canterbury cremation Society,email at the bottom of this link

carbs51 - 2019-12-11 18:38:00

Be prepared to find the ashes still held by the funeral directors.

Not what you were asking for but here is a link to probate papers.

Edited by nbrob at 7:06 pm, Wed 11 Dec

nbrob - 2019-12-11 18:52:00

It isn't a good photo but I wonder if this is her at Woodlawn Memorial Gardens in Christchurch. I'm sure the first name is Sally. I can't make out the middle letters/name, but the last name is Eddington. The years of birth and death 1913 - 1966 'fit' your Ruby (Sally)

1913/10395 Andrews Ruby Violet Mary Ann Frederick John
1938/11549 Ruby Violet Andrews Eric Harcourt Eddington
1966/36696 Eddington Ruby Violet 53Y

Woodlawn Memorial Gardens and Canterbury Crematorium have a Facebook page. I would contact them to verify the details on the plaque
455 Linwood Ave
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ph 03-389 6282
Funeral service & cemetery

Edited by h28skipper at 10:31 pm, Wed 11 Dec

h28skipper - 2019-12-11 22:28:00

Well done h28.

It looks like Sally with Ruby in brackets to me.

nbrob - 2019-12-12 09:23:00

h28, great spotting.

Edited by ironthrone990 at 12:12 pm, Thu 12 Dec

ironthrone990 - 2019-12-12 12:11:00
nbrob wrote:

Well done h28.

It looks like Sally with Ruby in brackets to me.

Sally (R V) Eddington

stock - 2019-12-12 14:16:00

omg god you wonderful people you found her . I couldn't believe my luck. This message board community is heaven sent . thank you one and all. I have sent a message to the facebook page to see if they will tell me where she is and help me get a map so that my uncle and I can visit next month. the probate was interesting too. A few secrets unveiled there. I am hoping to upgrade that photo too. I am so excited Thank you thank you thank you

titchs_nz - 2019-12-13 22:00:00

If you look at the map, at the bottom of the Billion Graves site above, it indicates where the grave is.

nbrob - 2019-12-14 11:11:00
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