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DNA questions


I have a brickwall in my tree namely require parents/siblings of my g.g.grandfather David SPURR b.c. 1779 Yorkshire and also my late husband's g.g.grandfather William MIDDLETON b.c. 1797 Salford Lancashire
Would it be feasible to find information on both people if I brought a DNA kit for my son?
Also I don't publish my tree online, would this be a problem?

lancslass - 2019-11-28 20:18:00

Do it on the oldest person of the line you want to know about. Your son will only inherit a portion of what you or your husband have, so test yourself and a sibling or a parent as well if possible of each line you want info for.

If you want Ancestry to to match you with other Trees to provide commonality, you will need a tree online with them. If you just want to scalp info off other's trees to fill in your lack, you won't have the common matches provided to you without a tree.

Edited by morticia at 8:30 pm, Thu 28 Nov

morticia - 2019-11-28 20:28:00

It is a good idea to test the validity of the trees you have built with dna testing although at the level you want information 4th cousins etc, you will struggling. Perhaps a YDNA test with Family Tree DNA which would test the male line? I think that is a great test. Surnames are passed father to son in (hopefully) an unbroken line. You could have your son tested. Only males can take that test. They have a sale on at the moment.

jhan - 2019-11-29 02:42:00

Thank you both Morticia and jhan for your informative replies. I will have to think on this, I am the eldest (85) left on my line and my son is the 2nd eldest (by 2years) on my husband's and the information I would like are on both paternal lines. Maybe I should wait until I meet up with both g,g,grandparents!!!

lancslass - 2019-11-29 06:26:00
lancslass wrote:

Thank you both Morticia and jhan for your informative replies. I will have to think on this, I am the eldest (85) left on my line and my son is the 2nd eldest (by 2years) on my husband's and the information I would like are on both paternal lines. Maybe I should wait until I meet up with both g,g,grandparents!!!

Well if you are the eldest in your line go for it and if you have siblings their dna or their childrens dna is very useful as well. Same thing with your son testing, as well as any cousins etc on his father's side, each gets different dna from their parent and so his cousins will have inherited pieces of their parents dna that will have their own matches in dna tests. It's worth doing on each part of each tree that you can afford to do and over time matches will continue to come along.

morticia - 2019-11-29 11:10:00
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