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DNA Help needed


I really need some help with deciphering my DNA and matches. Is there anyone who could help me? The person I need will have to be trustworthy and have a good knowledge of deciphering dna results. I have all the information, but I just don't know how to use it. I am trying to find someone and I feel that the clues might be available, but am frustrated at how to go about following those clues. Maybe I need a professional!
Please contact me if you are interested in helping.

doones - 2019-10-17 11:59:00

Not allowed to share contact info on trademe. If you are on Facebook try dna detectives and/or dna detectives down under. The main detective site has several files which explain how to work the dna. Good luck.

catsmeat1 - 2019-10-17 14:52:00

Thank you catsmeat1

doones - 2019-10-18 13:49:00

Look at your first match (closest cousin) and see if you know know them, if you do look for "Add/edit groups" you can choose a group colour so mark the person with a colour i.e. blue for paternal and pink for maternal, then its just a matter of going thru every single "shared match" and see if they match anyone that you have assigned a colour group to... try finding someone you know and start from there, also don't start on the 4th cousins shared matches as that will drive you crackers.

flora11 - 2019-10-18 14:27:00

Flora11 I'm about to embark on the colour coding, I see you have said not to bother with 4th cousins. I only have two 2nd cousins listed and a few 3rd cousins...will this still be of much use?

unouwanit - 2019-10-24 11:35:00

Use all your matches between 90 and 400 centremorgans, regardless of what cousinship tag they have.

unouwanit wrote:

Flora11 I'm about to embark on the colour coding, I see you have said not to bother with 4th cousins. I only have two 2nd cousins listed and a few 3rd cousins...will this still be of much use?

mousiemousie - 2019-10-24 16:02:00

DNA Detectives down under on FB. We are a good bunch of people in there and willing to help. Or if you are Maori, the FB group Polynesian DNA will be better for you. Mel S.

doones wrote:

I really need some help with deciphering my DNA and matches. Is there anyone who could help me? The person I need will have to be trustworthy and have a good knowledge of deciphering dna results. I have all the information, but I just don't know how to use it. I am trying to find someone and I feel that the clues might be available, but am frustrated at how to go about following those clues. Maybe I need a professional!
Please contact me if you are interested in helping.

mousiemousie - 2019-10-24 16:10:00
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