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what's the best bbq charcoal or wood to buy


Hi guys just brought me a charcoal bbq. What's the best charcoal on the market. Also would you recommend putting wood chipp in aswell. I'm new to this. Share your methods

pp11 - 2019-09-29 21:37:00

Google is your friend.

But hardwood or fruit wood is best in NZ

smallwoods - 2019-09-29 23:42:00

Ti-tree, Don't use pine, it burns out in no time, and you want to burn your wood down to coals, you'll see a layer of ash over them, hold a piece of bread over and check temp before putting your meat on.
The titree coals last longest, so that your meat is cooked through, not charred on outside and raw in middle, or if using pine, half done and it goes out.

lythande1 - 2019-09-30 08:00:00
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