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roast vege salad


what are some recipes for this and what dressing do you use? I went out to lunch yesterday and had a mushroom and vege salald and yummo!!! There was mushrooms, potatoes, capsium, lettuce, spinach, pumpkin, kumara, cherry tomatoes and it was devine. I wish i had asked what dressing they used. I think it was a Balmasic

bubbles22222 - 2019-09-10 14:13:00

Add carrot in there also, roast in extra virgin olive oil and drizzle with balsamic vinegar when done. Delicious. Probably hold the lettuce though.

trouser - 2019-09-10 15:36:00

From the former Trade Me Cooks.....
"Roast Veggie Salad
potatoes, carrotts, Kumara, red, green, yellow capsicum and pumpkin Chop all pieces so they are roughly the same size then...ROAST until cooked Eat cold or warmed up drizzle with homemade Balsamic dressing YUM!!! poster not known

Roast Mixed Veges with Dressing
cut beetroot into wedges about the same size as you roast potatoes.. and roast as usual.. or cut into small cubes and add to the same size chunks of carrot, kumara and parsnip.. roast till just starting to be tender.. Add small wedges of red onion and pumpkin and thick chunks of eggplant, courgette, capsicum, etc.. Roast till all is just tender.. turning occasionally.. Mix a little brown sugar with some balsamic vinegar to taste and stir well to dissolve the brown sugar. Drizzle this over the roasted veges and toss through.. heat a little longer for the dressing to caramelise a little - and enjoy with steak, chops, chicken.. etc..etc.. This is a great way to make a little or large quantity of roast veges for a bbq.. and tastes delicious..
posted by juliewn

Roast Veg Salad
Roast cubed potatoes, kumera and pumpkin with sprigs of rosemary and drizzled with olive oil. When cooked (remove rosemary sprigs).. serve on white platters sprinkle with a mixture of cubed feta cheese, sundried tomatoes, black olives, some lightly sauted chopped snow peas for crunch. Garnish with toasted pumpkin seed or pine nuts. Another idea is to drizzle with a dressing of sweet chili sauce, olive oil & lemon jce and fine chopped coriander.
posted by bev00." :-))

245sam - 2019-09-10 18:55:00

Continued from #3 - more from the former Trade Me Cooks.....
"Roasted Vegetable Salad with Crispy Bacon, Parmesan & Toasted Walnuts
(Serves 6-8 as a main course, or makes 1 generous platter). This is a great stand alone dish or an accompaniment to a simple meat dish like Roast Chicken. INGREDIENTS: 10-12 generous handfuls of assorted prepared salad greens, Roasted Vegetables, 1 cup Crispy Bacon, 1/2 cup (roughly chopped) toasted walnuts, 150g shaved Parmesan, 125ml (1/2 cup) Vinaigrette, chives for garnish. - Place salad greens on individual plates, or on one big platter. Just before you serve, arrange a variety of warm Roasted Vegetables on salad base. Sprinkle vegetables with Crispy Bacon and scatter with Parmesan. Drizzle with Vinaigrette and garnish with chives.
To do the Roasted Vegetables:
Arrange a selection of some of the following: red and yellow peppers, green and yellow zucchini, Agria potatoes, pumpkin, parsnips, kumara, yams, beetroot, carrots, fennel bulb, garlic and shallots. INGREDIENTS: 2kg (prepared weight) vegetable selection, olive oil, 3-4 sprigs of thyme, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. METHOD: Preheat oven to 220C. Prepare vegetables according to type. For example leave garlic and shallots whole and cut larger vegetables into 2cm square cubes. Toss vegetables in oil. Brush a low-sided roasting tray with oil and lay thyme on tray. Spread vegetables out onto roasting tray and season. Aim for vegetables not to be touching. You may need two trays. Place vegetables in oven and roast for 10 - 20 minutes shaking tray from time to time. Variation in time will depend on your choice of vegetables. Plan so you can remove the quickest cooking vegetables first.
For the Crispy Bacon:
INGREDIENTS: 350g - 400g sliced middle bacon rashers (rind off). METHOD: Pre heat oven to 150C. Finely chop bacon and place in a cold, heavy frypan. Place frypan over a medium heat and using a wooden spoon stir the bacon. Continue to stir and when bacon begins to render fat remove pan from heat and drain the bacon. Place drained bacon onto a baking tray and into oven. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes stirring from time to time or until bacon is crispy. Drain on paper towels. Store covered in refrigerator until you are ready to serve.
For the Vinaigrette:
INGREDIENTS: 125ml (1/2 cup) extra virgin olive oil, 15ml (1 tbsp) balsamic vinegar, 1/2 tsp sea salt, freshly ground black pepper. METHOD: Place ingredients in a small bowl and stir to combine.
posted by pennysaver

rocket and pesto salad...
slice and grill veges like sweet potato, zucchini, red capsicum (peel skin off), egg plant, red onion, mushrooms if you want. Add to rocket (arugula) and mix thru with pesto. You can add semi dried tomatoes and a little of the oil from them. Maybe garlic as well when you are grilling veges if you want. Toss through toasted pinenuts. Very yummy salad.
posted by lil_nightmare

i mini roast cubed kumara, potato, pumpkin, garlic cloves, onion wedges, slices of courgettes & red pepper, then put in in a bowl with cubed camembert chesses & slivers of sun dried tomatos then i dribble over a warmed vinergarette with heaps of salt & pepper...its so yummy with bbq chops in summer.
posted by purplegoanna

just get a mix of roasting vege that suit you, and mix up a nice dressing. I use oil (from the jar of sundried tomatoes!) whole grain mustard, a dash of sweet chili sauce and a little honey. Sometimes Balsamic vinegar. Then I pour it on top and mix in some rocket, feta, sun dried toms, raw celery, pine nuts, what ever I've got in the fridge to use up really!!
posted by nicski" :-))

245sam - 2019-09-10 18:58:00

Continued from #4 - more from the former Trade Me Cooks.....
"I have a chargrilled vege salad
I have just made it now ... it's great for the bbq also... red onion sliced thinly sliced carrots and kumera with skin on capisum red orange and yellow sliced chunky style courgettes sliced on an angle asparagus sliced mushrooms sprinkle with tuscan seasoning or herb blend and cook in olive oil and a little sundried tomato oil when finished top with chopped sundried tomatos blue cheese and plum sauce yum.
posted by chrissygirl1

Roast vege and Orange Salad
This was really really nice I roasted pumpkin, parsnip, red onion, garlic, kumara and toss with silverbeet, 1tablespoon white wine vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon white sugar, 1/4 olive oil 1 orange squeezed 1 orange peeled and cut into wedges toped with Feta and salad herbs served warm but it can also be served at room temp.
posted by ent1

Roasted Vege Salad
Equal quantities of buttercup pumpkin (in small wedges), red capsicums (quartered and seeded), red onions (half lengthwise, peel, leave root end intact), plus a half quantity of fleshy black olives (Pelion brand in green tin). Arrange in roasting pan, sprinkle with a mixture of chopped garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper. Drizzle very generously with good olive oil and bake about an hour until all very tender. Remove carefully to a big platter and dress with a mixture of extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar. More ideas ... 1. Same veges but omit rosemary and dress with toasted pine nuts, golden sultanas, parsley, lemon juice. 2. Same veges but sprinkle with sumac instead of garlic and rosemary. Sumac is salty so bear this in mind. 3. Vietnamese flavours - roasted sweet potato, baby potatoes and onions, dress with nuoc cham (4 tab fish sauce, 3 tab palm sugar, 4 tab lime juice, 3 cloves garlic - pulverise in a mortar).
posted by davidt4

Sophie Gray's Roasted Vegetable Salad with Curried Dressing.
“Preheat the oven to 220°C. You will need a selection of vegetables for roasting - obvious choices like potato, kumara and pumpkin are good, & if you have them include carrots, cauliflower, onions (red onions look fabulous in this dish), parsnips, courgettes & capsicum - whatever is plentiful & suits your budget. Peel or scrub the vegetables & cut into wedges or small chunks. (When chopping the onions retain enough of the stalk to keep the layers together.). Put all the vegetables in a plastic bag & add a splash of olive oil. Swirl the vegetables around in the bag until they are well mixed, then place them in a single layer in a roasting pan lined with foil. Bake them, turning occasionally, for about 45 minutes or until they appear golden & cooked. Serve hot or cold with dressing.” Curried Dressing. 2 tsp curry powder, 1/4 cup oil, 2 tsp vinegar, 1/2 tsp sugar, 1 garlic clove (crushed). Combine the dressing ingredients & stir through the roasted vegetables. Variations: (a) Stir 1 cup of cooked couscous into the vegetables before adding the dressing. (b) Include raisins or chopped almonds before serving. (c) 1 cup of cooked chickpeas will add protein without any fat & will add a lovely popping texture to this dish. You could include any left over cooked meat from a previous meal such as chicken or fish and serve as a main course with a green salad or use as a side dish or filling for flat breads such as pita or Naan. :-))
posted by 245sam" :-))

245sam - 2019-09-10 19:00:00

Thanks for sharing all the recipes!

floralsun - 2019-10-05 22:37:00
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