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Ernest Adam's Cherry fruit cake help please, does


anyone have a successful recipe for a cake like this please. I couldn't find anything with the search method and would really like a recipe that someone has tried and approved. I do have quite a few possible recipes, but none proven and I really do not want to use heaps of ingredients on multiple tries. Also it could mean a lot of "not really what I am after cakes" to eat my way through, when all I want is one just like the Ernest Adams one, which is becoming pretty expensive to buy regularly

cookiebarrel - 2019-08-17 22:26:00

To narrow down the ones you already have, look for one that has a small amount of almond essence in it - pretty sure that's the "secret" ingredient

autumnwinds - 2019-08-17 22:38:00

Thanks autumnwinds, will try that. Also wanting one that is yellow coloured, without needing any colouring to make it that way if that makes sense.

cookiebarrel - 2019-08-17 23:37:00

Like EA fruit loaf
Boil 1 and 1/2 tbspn cornflour in 1 cup cold water till thick and cool. Cream 225gr butter and 1 cup sugar, add 1/2 tsp each of lemon, orange, vanilla and almond essences. Add 3 eggs one at a time. Add 3 cups of sifted plain flour and 2 tsps baking powder. Dust 450 gr sultanas or fruit mix with plain flour. Alternate adding flour and cornflour mix to creamed butter and sugar. Lastly add fruit. Bake in a lined tin at 170C for 1.5 hours.
I got this recipe off TM years ago and its a nice recipe.

malcovy - 2019-08-18 08:23:00

Thank you malcovy, will give it a try with just sultanas and cherrys.

cookiebarrel - 2019-08-18 20:20:00

Will be interested to know how it turns out cookiebarrel. I also love the EA fruit cake you asked about.

lynja - 2019-08-19 06:38:00

Interested in the result too

wheelz - 2019-08-19 11:04:00

This is similar, but more moist - also similar to the old NZ Railways fruit cake that was served in their tearooms.
Easy Fruit Cake
250 - 375 gm sultanas
1 pack cherries
3 eggs
250 gms sugar
375 gms butter
375 gms flour
1 heaped tsp baking powder
1 tsp lemon essence
1 tsp almond essence
Put the sultanas in a good-sized saucepan, and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil, boil for 5 minutes, then drain. Add the cherries and the chopped butter to the hot sultanas and stir in. When the mix is lukewarm, stir in the essences and the sugar, then cool to room temperature.Stir in the flour and baking powder which have been sifted together. Line a deep 9 inch square cake tin (23-24 cm sq) with baking paper and pour in the mixture.
Bake at 180 degrees C for about an hour or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Leave in the tin for 24 hours to cool and set properly.
This is a great cake which leaves just one pot and one spoon to wash up. You can add more fruit - up to 1.5 kg of any sort of dried fruit, and spices if you want. I have a friend who adds a drained 200 gm can of crushed pineapple, and others that add nuts.
The recipe was passed down to me by my late mother-in-law over 50 years ago, and it is the only fruit cake I've made since on a regular basis.

punkinthefirst - 2019-08-19 12:06:00

I like that Ernest Adams cake. Fruit Luncheon, Fruit Cake, Cherry Fruit Cake - they all look like the same thing. It's the texture I like as much as anything and I'm sure you need a special commercial bakers ingredient to get that - made by Bakels I think.

paora-tm - 2019-08-19 12:47:00

Hi there, here is the true and tested recipe that tastes just like the real thing and I add marashino cherries with stems (remove stems and rest on paper towels to let excess liquid evaporate then place into mixture I put in quite a few in its up to your taste buds!! which you can buy from gilmores.I have made this delicious cake and had rave reviews thanks to 245am!!! #2CUTTING CAKE – "Very Like Ernest Adam’s Light Fruitcake"
1½ tbsp cornflour
1 cup each of cold water and sugar
225g butter
½ tsp each of almond essence, lemon essence, orange essence and vanilla essence
3 eggs
3 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
450g sultanas
Boil the cornflour and water until thick, then cool.
Cream the butter, sugar and essences, then add the eggs, one at a time. Sift the flour, baking powder and coat sultanas with a few spoonsful. Add the remaining flour and baking powder alternately with the cornflour mixture to the creamed mixture. Lastly add the sultanas and pour the mixture into a paper-lined cake tin.
Bake at 170°C for 1½ hours.
Hope that helps. :-))
o Quote
245sam (48 ) 1:02 pm, Mon 16 Mar #2

svx1 - 2019-08-19 22:51:00
malcovy wrote:

Like EA fruit loaf
Boil 1 and 1/2 tbspn cornflour in 1 cup cold water till thick and cool. Cream 225gr butter and 1 cup sugar, add 1/2 tsp each of lemon, orange, vanilla and almond essences. Add 3 eggs one at a time. Add 3 cups of sifted plain flour and 2 tsps baking powder. Dust 450 gr sultanas or fruit mix with plain flour. Alternate adding flour and cornflour mix to creamed butter and sugar. Lastly add fruit. Bake in a lined tin at 170C for 1.5 hours.
I got this recipe off TM years ago and its a nice recipe.

Looking thru my collected recipes, I found this same recipe I'd found on here quite awhile my recollection, it wasn't at all like the Ernest Adams store bought.
I think it maybe as another poster has said, the taste and texture will be from a cake mix not available to the public.
I found the list of ingredients : Sugar, Fruit (21%) (Sultanas , Glace Cherries), Wheat Flour, Water, Egg, Butter (Cream, Water, Salt), Animal & Vegetable Fats/Oils, Milk Solids, Maize Starch, Glucose, Raising Agents (500, 541), Salt, Emulsifiers (Soy Lecithin, 471), Preservatives (200, 202, 211), Colour (129, 160a), Flavour, Antioxidant (320), Food Acid (330)

Edited by wheelz at 10:49 pm, Wed 21 Aug

wheelz - 2019-08-21 22:43:00

Find a recipe for Albert cake, and only add cherries instead of the mixed fruit.

voyager4 - 2019-08-22 14:09:00

Albert cake doesn't have the same texture

Edited by wheelz at 5:21 pm, Thu 22 Aug

wheelz - 2019-08-22 17:21:00
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