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Bread & butter pudding


can I please have your version of bread/butter pudding.
My mum always put merangue on top.(recipe please)

korbo - 2019-07-16 11:16:00

I haven't made it in years, but the one that was always a hit was a chocolate, banana and rum version. I've never put meringue on top, but coarse sugar crystals were always nice.

davidt4 - 2019-07-16 11:51:00

korbo, the meringue-topped version is Queen Pudding - the custard part made with the egg yolks, then the egg whites used for the meringue which is usually spread over a layer of jam (e.g. raspberry).

For a basic B&B pudding I don't use a recipe - with quantities as needed depending on whether it's just for me or for others too, it's just buttered bread, egg and milk (150ml milk per egg), 1 tbsp sugar per egg. Sometimes for ease, rather than spreading the butter on the bread I add it to the milk when warming it, then stir in the sugar to dissolve it. Next gently beat the egg and milk mixture together and pour it all over the bread, then allow it to sit prior to being baked, for the custard to soak into the bread. I also enjoy it with a light sprinkling of sugar over the top just prior to serving.

The best (IMO) B&B pudding was made by my landlady when I boarded with her around 50 years ago. She was one of the good old cooks but cooked very basic food, having run a full scale boarding house that my Dad boarded at prior to marriage so her B&B Pudding would not have included any of today's 'fancy' flavourings, just the basics. :-))

245sam - 2019-07-16 13:35:00

Here, from the former Trade Me Cooks, is a Queen Pudding recipe....

"Queen of puddings - Lemon Meringue
2 eggs - seperated, 2 cups milk, 2 Tbsp sugar, 1 cup breadcrumbs or cake crumbs (I use lemonade scone crumbs), 1 tsp lemon zest, 1 tsp vanilla essence, and 1/4 c sugar. Beat egg yolks, lemon zest, vanilla essence, milk and sugar together. Place breadcrumbs in bottom of a greased oven proof dish. Pour in egg yolk mixture. Bake at 160 degrees celsius for 30 minutes or until set. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Increase oven temp to 200 degrees celsius. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Gradually beat in sugar, 1 Tbsp at a time, until sugar has dissolved. Spoon or pipe meringue on top of pudding. Return to oven and bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes or until golden. Serves 4-6. For the original remove lemon zest and vanilla essence and when first part is done, spread with 2 Tbsp raspberry jam, then top with meringue. (I prefer the lemon version though.) Yum! :)
posted by amiri1" :-))

245sam - 2019-07-16 13:38:00
245sam wrote:

korbo, the meringue-topped version is Queen Pudding - the custard part made with the egg yolks, then the egg whites used for the meringue which is usually spread over a layer of jam (e.g. raspberry).

For a basic B&B pudding I don't use a recipe - with quantities as needed depending on whether it's just for me or for others too, it's just buttered bread, egg and milk (150ml milk per egg), 1 tbsp sugar per egg. Sometimes for ease, rather than spreading the butter on the bread I add it to the milk when warming it, then stir in the sugar to dissolve it. Next gently beat the egg and milk mixture together and pour it all over the bread, then allow it to sit prior to being baked, for the custard to soak into the bread. I also enjoy it with a light sprinkling of sugar over the top just prior to serving.

The best (IMO) B&B pudding was made by my landlady when I boarded with her around 50 years ago. She was one of the good old cooks but cooked very basic food, having run a full scale boarding house that my Dad boarded at prior to marriage so her B&B Pudding would not have included any of today's 'fancy' flavourings, just the basics. :-)) you cook it for a while, then put the merangue on...????

korbo - 2019-07-16 16:24:00
korbo wrote: you cook it for a while, then put the merangue on...????

Yes & return to oven to brown slightly.

Edited by kassie48 at 4:41 pm, Tue 16 Jul

kassie48 - 2019-07-16 16:38:00

thank you all. in the oven now,

korbo - 2019-07-16 16:40:00
korbo wrote: you cook it for a while, then put the merangue on...????

korbo you need to cook the b&b pudding part of the Queen Pudding until it is fully set/cooked, then top it with the jam and meringue, and cook it quickly, just until the meringue is golden, :-))

245sam - 2019-07-16 17:12:00

Instead of using eggs etc. I make a loose custard and pour it over each layer of bread and dried fruit as I go. Leave to soak for 30 minutes or so and then bake @ 180C for 25 minutes. Sometimes I add chopped apple & cinnamon to the layers for a change to dried fruit.

nauru - 2019-07-16 18:01:00

pudding was very nice.
1...the meringue browned nice, but how do you know if it is cooked. It was a little soft and spongy.tasted ok, but I wondered if it needed more cooking.
2. I probably used a bit too much milk, but in saying that, what is left over, by the morning I am sure it will have *set*.
thanks for all the input. next challenge is to make pinwheel scones, where the brown sugar does NOT run out of the scone and onto the tray........

korbo - 2019-07-16 20:33:00
korbo wrote:

pudding was very nice.
1...the meringue browned nice, but how do you know if it is cooked. It was a little soft and spongy.tasted ok, but I wondered if it needed more cooking.
2. I probably used a bit too much milk, but in saying that, what is left over, by the morning I am sure it will have *set*.
thanks for all the input. next challenge is to make pinwheel scones, where the brown sugar does NOT run out of the scone and onto the tray........

Looks like you are trying to create some childhood recipes.... My sister made a wonderful dish with potatoes, onions, bacon and tomatoes which I loved and have tried for years to replicate but never managed it... I think the memory enhanced it somewhat :)

karlymouse - 2019-07-16 20:45:00
korbo wrote:

pudding was very nice.
1...the meringue browned nice, but how do you know if it is cooked. It was a little soft and spongy.tasted ok, but I wondered if it needed more cooking.
2. I probably used a bit too much milk, but in saying that, what is left over, by the morning I am sure it will have *set*.
thanks for all the input. next challenge is to make pinwheel scones, where the brown sugar does NOT run out of the scone and onto the tray........

Yum love Pinwheel Scones, haven't had in years.

kassie48 - 2019-07-16 20:49:00

Easy...roll your dough with filling and chop into 12 slices (4 c flour mix)
Place each slice into a greased Texas muffin tin...perfect every time

wheelz - 2019-07-16 20:54:00

For my fav bread and butter pud , I layer crossiants, dark chocolate buttons or chunks and dried apricots ( the real ones, not Turkish!) sugar and milk and egg mix. Sprinkle last layer with sugar, for a crunchy top. Divine!

If anyone interested, can give full recipe

Edited by wheelz at 8:59 pm, Tue 16 Jul

wheelz - 2019-07-16 20:57:00
korbo wrote:

pudding was very nice.
1...the meringue browned nice, but how do you know if it is cooked. It was a little soft and spongy.tasted ok, but I wondered if it needed more cooking.
2. I probably used a bit too much milk, but in saying that, what is left over, by the morning I am sure it will have *set*.
thanks for all the input.

korbo, to test if the B&B Pudding is cooked, I use a knife and insert it into the centre of the pudding. If it comes out with any liquid on the knife blade, the pudding needs a little longer to cook - the knife should come out clean when the pudding is cooked. :-))

245sam - 2019-07-16 22:50:00

I've used this recipe for years....
A wonderful version, rich and delicious - definitely not "nursery food"!
3 toast thickness slices of rich fruit bread
2 eggs
1 cup milk
2 Tablspns soft brown sugar
150 ml dairy or double cream
2 Tablspns rum (optional)
1/2 teaspn vanilla
extra dried fruit (sultanas, etc, if desired)
pinch salt
2 Tablspns apricot jam (optional)

Break, cut or crumble the bread and put into a sprayed or buttered shallow 4 cup baking dish. Combine all other ingredients except the jam and pour over the bread (add extra dried fruit if desired). Leave to stand about 10 minutes. If time is short, heat the milk a little before adding the other ingredients. Stand baking dish in a larger roasting dish and surround the baking dish with boiling water to the height of the pudding. Bake at 180 oC for 30 minutes or until the custard is set everywhere except the centre. If desired, just before the pudding is due to come out of the oven, heat the jam in the microwave until it bubbles vigorously, then brush it over the surface of the baked custard to glaze it. Serve warm, plain, with thin cream, a puree of sweetened raw or cooked fruit, or with whipped cream or icecream....

This pudding is best made so that it is taken from the oven half an hour before it is to be eaten - if made too far ahead, then reheated, it may be stodgy. However, if you do want to make it ahead, add an extra quarter cup of milk. For those who don't like alcohol: The flavour of the rum is what lifts this dish out of the ordinary, and all the alcohol content is dispersed by the cooking.

autumnwinds - 2019-07-17 00:42:00

I find most bread and butter puddings a bit lacking, so add a lot more fruit, such as dried apricots pre soaked in a liquor of choice but the killer is also at least one square of caramello or caramel filled chocolate in the middle layer of each portion!

A dollop of clotted cream would make it really decadent instead of just a means of using up old bread... A sweetish bread such as brioche also helps.

But there again, I don't have a cholesterol or blood pressure issue.

Edited by socram at 12:47 pm, Wed 17 Jul

socram - 2019-07-17 12:44:00

You can also use left over homemade cake instead of bread as long as you reduce the quantity of sugar in the custard.

davidt4 - 2019-07-17 13:34:00

Put 4 litres of flavour in it. Have horrible memories of such puddings.

amasser - 2019-07-17 14:27:00
245sam wrote:

korbo, to test if the B&B Pudding is cooked, I use a knife and insert it into the centre of the pudding. If it comes out with any liquid on the knife blade, the pudding needs a little longer to cook - the knife should come out clean when the pudding is cooked. :-))

...but how do I know if the merangue is properly cookeD?

korbo - 2019-07-17 20:33:00

This is the recipe I use. I do like to use croissants (no butter added) but I have used hot cross buns buttered and toasted before adding custard or even white sliced bread butter and toasted.

Bread Pudding

2-3 large croissants sliced to layer or chunks thrown in
½ cup sultanas
½ cup brown sugar
1 tbs cinnamon
2 tbs brandy

3 eggs
1 tsp of vanilla
600 mls milk (or 500ml milk and 100ml cream)

Use a large loaf tin. Best to cut very thin slices of croissants and single layers.

Combine sugar, sultanas and cinnamon. Divide into 3 and leave aside.
Put a layer of croissants on the bottom of the loaf tin. Sprinkle 1/3 of the sugar mixture. Add another layer of croissant and sprinkle a table soon of brandy and second 1/3 of sugar mixture. Add a third layer of croissant and sprinkle with the second table spoon of brandy and last 1/3 of the sugar mixture. Layer the last of the croissants on top.

Whisk eggs, vanilla and milk together till combined. Pour evenly over the layer croissants. The custard should come up to the top level of the croissant. Let it soak for ½ an hour.

Bake at 160 degrees Celsius for 50 minutes or until the custard has set. Leave aside for 15 minutes to settle before serving.

Edited by marcs at 5:46 pm, Thu 18 Jul

marcs - 2019-07-18 17:45:00

Stop it..........i feel very pecky now.

fruitbat - 2019-07-18 18:02:00
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