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Overly sweet bacon - any ideas?


I often buy an 800gm pack of bacon pieces, most of which are imperfectly-sized real rashers of mixed bacon types - not the pale diced stuff pretending to be bacon. This time when I cooked some after first patting it dry, it ended up swimming in a pool of sugar syrup and was disgusting to eat. Cooked some more this morning, same result. Rang the co and they said that there will be a few rashers of the honey/maple? one that's coated in brown sugar - but to me it's tainted the whole pack.

Before I dump the lot, does anyone have any ideas for its use? It's like eating "dessert" bacon.

kaddiew - 2019-07-12 10:54:00

Use it in Corn fritters, I often make bacon and egg flans if I have bacon I don't particularly like. I hate the smoked bacon.
I'd look for recipes where you can use a small amount of bacon since its sweet. ie savoury muffins or scones.

cgvl - 2019-07-12 10:59:00

Thanks! I actually just made corn fritters but since the bacon is soooo sweet I didn't want to risk it. I don't use any sugar in my savoury muffins/scones, so I'm wondering if the sweet bacon taste will dominate.

kaddiew - 2019-07-12 11:18:00

Don't fry it. Grill it.

lythande1 - 2019-07-12 12:12:00
lythande1 wrote:

Don't fry it. Grill it.

Yes, grill it and serve it with pancakes and fried bananas, with maple syrup for breakfast....although if the bacon is already sweet you may not need or want the extra maple syrup.

herself - 2019-07-12 12:17:00

Thanks all. Maybe it's just not to my taste because it seems way too sickly to use in anything. Think I've answered my own question!

kaddiew - 2019-07-12 13:32:00
kaddiew wrote:

Before I dump the lot, does anyone have any ideas for its use? It's like eating "dessert" bacon.

That sounds ghastly. I don't get sweet bacon.

I usually buy dry cured manuka smoked f/r bacon. It is not really good to just fry because it is so dry and just sticks to the pan and falls apart. So I start it off in water until the water all evaporates, then set aside, clean the pan, add fat and gently fry till crispy.

Why not start your pieces off in water and instead of waiting till it all evaporates, take the pieces out, throw the water away and then cook as usual.

buzzy110 - 2019-07-12 16:35:00
buzzy110 wrote:

That sounds ghastly. I don't get sweet bacon.

I usually buy dry cured manuka smoked f/r bacon. It is not really good to just fry because it is so dry and just sticks to the pan and falls apart. So I start it off in water until the water all evaporates, then set aside, clean the pan, add fat and gently fry till crispy.

Why not start your pieces off in water and instead of waiting till it all evaporates, take the pieces out, throw the water away and then cook as usual.

I actually think they stuffed up in production, and nothing can save it, it's that ghastly. Thanks for the idea, but have binned the lot..

kaddiew - 2019-07-12 17:44:00
kaddiew wrote:

I actually think they stuffed up in production, and nothing can save it, it's that ghastly. Thanks for the idea, but have binned the lot..

I am currently watching the Chocolate Queen on ch12 (I think, not sure because I record it). Oh my. What she did to bacon in the last episode turned my stomach. She got lovely streaky bacon, laid it flat on baking paper in a baking tin and covered liberally with brown sugar. She then baked it for 10mins or so or until the sugar had caramelised and turned it over and did the same on the other side.

Then to add further insult she then served the cooled, caramelised bacon with chocolate gooey center pancakes (actually the pancakes were quite a good idea, especially the way she cooked them), icecream and a liberal dribbling of maple syrup.

Who would have thought you could do that to bacon.

Edited by buzzy110 at 4:38 pm, Sat 13 Jul

buzzy110 - 2019-07-13 16:37:00
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