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What's your go-to midweek only takes 10m meal?


I find myself in a rut, I like cooking, I often make meals on the weekend that sit in the fridge for during the week. But am often doing the same sort of things over and over.
What's that quick, easy, usually have the ingredients on hand recipe you use midweek?

fey - 2019-06-24 15:18:00

Tuna or chicken breast in teriyaki sauce (soy sauce, sake, mirin), rice, blanched bok choy with soy sauce and sesame oil.

Minced beef balls with various additions, fried pre-boiled potatoes, salad of red onion, olives, orange, feta.

davidt4 - 2019-06-24 15:28:00

I cannot think of anything healthy, nutritious and delicious (the 3 basics for any of my meals) that takes 10mins. It takes time to get, wash and prepare vegetables ready for cooking let alone any herb or spice preparation.

On the other hand, once I have heated my Weber to 250C I can cook a perfect, juicy sirloin/rump steak in less than 3mins flat that has been brought to room temperature. I takes me about that much time again to rub it with oil and salt. However it has to rest for at least 10mins as well.

Fillet steak takes about 1min either side, maybe a bit less on the first side.

But like I said, a meal without a selection of fresh vegetables is not really a real meal in my mind. I crave vegetables like other people crave sweets.

p.s. It would take me about 10mins to knock up a decent mushroom sauce to go with the steak which I would do during the resting period and whilst the vegetables were steaming (about 1min from when the steaming starts).

If I wanted a hollandaise sauce then I would have to allow 30-40mins to create a decent, 'fast' meal.

buzzy110 - 2019-06-24 15:32:00

Chickpea curry is my quick go to.

blands70 - 2019-06-24 16:18:00
buzzy110 wrote:

I cannot think of anything healthy, nutritious and delicious that takes 10mins. .

Stir fry.
OK chopping may do, but there is always the frozen stir fry vege packs you can get.
Spag bol is also quick, chop an onion, mince and herbs, passata and you're away. OK, Maybe 15-20 mins perhaps.

What I used to do when working was make stuff and freeze.
Pies, to cook later. casseroles, etc.
I have a cannelloni in freezer, goulash, and an uncooked pie for days when I can't be bothered.

lythande1 - 2019-06-24 18:25:00

I occasionally do a heap of veges, & maybe a piece of chicken, stir fried & throw a pkt of 2 min noodles in with it, plus seasonings of my choice...when I can't be faffed cooking.
I really only use the noodles from the packet.
It takes a bit longer than 10mins though, by the time I grab the veges from the garden & prepare them, but if you like frozen veges it shouldn't take long & you could use the noodle seasonings, if you want..

samanya - 2019-06-24 19:27:00

It does take more than 10 minutes but I think stirfries are probably my go to quick meal. Veg prep takes a few minutes but once that's done we are good to go. I usually have various homemade stir fry sauces in the freezer so a quick defost and zap in the MW then add to the stir fry. When cooking steamed or fried rice, I usually cook extra so I have portions in the freezer for later use, the same goes with stir fry sauces.

Edited by nauru at 7:31 pm, Mon 24 Jun

nauru - 2019-06-24 19:30:00

Bacon and eggs

rainrain1 - 2019-06-25 08:55:00

Homemade hamburgers or Nachos

lisa7 - 2019-06-25 16:41:00

Heat a can of lentils and a can of indian spiced tomatoes in a fry pan. Make 4 holes, crack an egg in each one. Cover and let simmer. Once eggs are cooked serve. Crusty bread, rice or steamed greens go quite nicely on the side. Very quick and easy.

Melt butter with some garlic, chuck in some chopped brocolli, beans, spinach, bok choy anything green really. After a few minutes fry some fish in the pan too until cooked. Mix a teaspoon of curry powder into 1/4cup mayo. Serve on top of fish and veges. Takes less than 10 minutes from start to finish

Just some of our quick and easy go to dinners

2spotties - 2019-06-25 16:53:00

Steak on the barby - 7 mins, rest time 3, with a slice of creamy blue on top to melt as a sauce; salad of greens, red onion and feta. Left over fried potatoes. 10 mins max. Boom! Awesome.

Although to be fair, I am never in that much of a hurry..................

Edited by awoftam at 6:00 pm, Tue 25 Jun

awoftam - 2019-06-25 18:00:00

During the weekend do a lot of food prep. Then put in containers and either put in the fridge or in the freezer. During the week come home turn on the oven and throw the dinner in the oven. Or in the morning take five minutes to throw everything in the slow cooker. Learnt this from when son was doing a chef course. Amazing what chefs prepare in advance.

strathview - 2019-06-25 18:52:00
2spotties wrote:

Heat a can of lentils and a can of indian spiced tomatoes in a fry pan. Make 4 holes, crack an egg in each one. Cover and let simmer. Once eggs are cooked serve. Crusty bread, rice or steamed greens go quite nicely on the side. Very quick and easy.
For a quick meal I do a variation on this:
Saute 1 small onion finely svliced, can add some garlic, a tin tomatoes or equivalent of sliced fresh tomatoes add to the cooked onions and small amount of crushed chilli flakes. When cooked make holes and add eggs. When dishing up add a spoonful of plain yoghurt.

Edited by linette1 at 7:17 pm, Tue 25 Jun

linette1 - 2019-06-25 19:11:00

We've got hooked on wraps recently. Grated cheese, chopped tomato, avocado and cooked onion, with prawns or with slices of fried chicken breast, and chilli sauce. Folded then browned in the frying pan both sides. One for my wife. Two for me.... Stops me eating too much.

socram - 2019-06-27 20:51:00

Got a slow cooker?

We do a chicken coconut curry recipe in the crock pot. Has the chicken pieces, assorted veges and kumara / potato all mixed in the coconut cream and curry paste.

Takes ~15 mins to set up in the morning, but you get home to a great smell and big pot of dinner that just needs dishing up.

Burritos / wraps like Socram mentioned are another favourite standby. Fry up some mince, spices and veges while you cut some salad stuff. Pan on the table, grab a spoon of mince, some salad, grated cheese, sour cream and sauce according to taste and chow down, If you make the mince "mild" and put hot sauce on the table it suits everyone. Sweet chili for the delicate ones, ghost chilli "Danger Sauce" for the brave etc.

ianab - 2019-06-27 22:43:00

Our quick meal is kebab wraps, flatbreads, spread with hummus, shredded lettuce, carrots and cheese, lettuce add shredded left over chicken, lamb or falafels tatziki and chilli sauce, wrap in foil and pop in sandwich press.

Couscous with griddled halloumi, courgette, peppers tomatoes, with lots of fresh herbs, and a flavourful dressing.

ruby19 - 2019-07-04 20:06:00

Fresh pasta with a sundried tomato pesto and a handful of spinach and a sprinkle of parmesan.

flyspray99 - 2019-07-04 21:34:00

For a family spaghetti carbonara, for just me I leave out the spaghetti and cheese and have bacon and eggs

sarahb5 - 2019-07-06 14:05:00

The Annabel Langbein Cheap Thrills Cookbook has some good, quick recipes. I like her chicken mince and rice noodle stir fry dish. I can now whip it up in about 15 mins.

Nachos are also quick and easy.

alm1003 - 2019-07-16 21:08:00
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