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Mama's Cake


Ages ago someone posted a Tiramisu Cake they called Mama's Cake. I always planned to make it and now can't find it. It might have been Cookessentials who posted it. Anyone copy it who might be able to post it for me. Many thanks.

petmacorpltd - 2019-05-24 21:38:00

The pie is here tee here


lindylambchops1 - 2019-05-24 22:42:00

Here is mine (Cookessentials recipe) and it has yolks only. Cannot say I have heard of it with egg whites in it.

Someone asked for a goood tiramisu recipe. This is "Mama's Cake" and is a delicious tiramisu done in a loaf tin, so it makes for easy slicing. Be warned, it is EXTREMELY rich. The recipe comes from a real Italian "Mama" and is quite delicious.

3/4 cup espresso coffee ( or very strong coffee)
1/4 cup rum
1/2 cup caster sugar
4 egg yolks
3/4 tub cream cheese at room temp
1 tsp vanilla essence ( use pure if you can)
2 1/2 cups cream
1 pkt digestive biscuits
1/4 cup cocoa ( I use a good quality Dutch "Blookers" cocoa)

Make coffee and allow to cool. Mix with the rum and set aside. Beat sugar & egg yolks together in a large bowl until light and creamy. Beat in the cream cheese until mixture is very smooth. In a clean bowl, beat together the cream and vanilla until mixture is of a thick, pouring consistency. Do NOT beat until it is like whipped cream.
Beat together the cream cheese mixture with cream until it is thick and spreadable. Line a loaf tin with plastic wrap or tinfoil ( usually use the foil) and smooth the edges out. Spread 1/5th of the mixture in bottom of tin. Quickly dip digestives in the coffee/rum mix and place a layer of biscuits on top of the cream mixture and sprinkle liberally with sifted cocoa. Repeat three layers, finishing with a layer of cream and cocoa. Refrigerate overrnight or minimum of 4 hours ( I prefer overnight for a firmer dessert which is easier to slice) Serve sliced with seasonal fruits

Edited by lindylambchops1 at 10:45 pm, Fri 24 May

lindylambchops1 - 2019-05-24 22:43:00
petmacorpltd wrote:

Ages ago someone posted a Tiramisu Cake they called Mama's Cake. I always planned to make it and now can't find it. It might have been Cookessentials who posted it. Anyone copy it who might be able to post it for me. Many thanks.

I found, what I hope is the recipe you wanted! ????????

lindylambchops1 - 2019-05-25 10:10:00


lindylambchops1 - 2019-05-25 12:44:00

Thank you so much - that is exactly what I was looking for. Much appreciated.

petmacorpltd - 2019-05-26 08:17:00

I guess I can use marscapone instead of cream cheese - I have marscapone to use up.

petmacorpltd - 2019-05-26 08:18:00
petmacorpltd wrote:

I guess I can use marscapone instead of cream cheese - I have marscapone to use up.

I would use Mascapone. Italians do not like cream cheese in their tiramisu. They think it tastes disgusting.

marcs - 2019-05-26 16:40:00

Glad you saw the recipe ????????

Hope it turned out delicious!

lindylambchops1 - 2019-05-27 10:11:00
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