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Yoghurt - What to make with big tub of it?


I bought it to use in a baking recipe, but when I looked up what it was for it was for a zucchini choc cake, and of course my zucchini have finished long ago....i'm a bit slow I know. So its got 4 days left before its use by/BB date and i'm not a huge fan of plain yoghurt, dont want to put it in smoothies etc. Anything else I can make with it, prefer something savoury maybe as i've just done 2 lots of baking this morning, dont really need anything else sweet although if the recipes yummy enough I may cave and make it :-) TIA

dibble35 - 2019-05-04 14:28:00

Not savoury, but you could make a beetroot chocolate cake instead of zucchini, or a carrot yoghurt cake.

articferrit - 2019-05-04 14:45:00

I had a recipe for scone type savoury scrolls with flour. Sorry the recipe is on my daughters fridge and they are away or I would find the name of it. Was suggested as a school lunch option.

Will try Google eta there are lots. I just googled Yoghurt scone mixture.

Edited by sunnysue1 at 2:50 pm, Sat 4 May

sunnysue1 - 2019-05-04 14:49:00

I make the topping for moussaka with plain yoghurt rather than bechamel sauce. For a four person moussaka whisk three eggs, add 500 ml plain yoghurt and 200g feta roughly crumbled, salt and pepper, nutmeg. Pour over the meat and eggplant base, bake for about 45 minutes at 180C or until golden brown.

There is a nice recipe for Turkish breakfast eggs that someone (awoftam?) posted here very recently. It uses plain yoghurt.

As long as your yoghurt doesn't contain thickeners you can make labna - add a little salt, strain it through muslin in a colander or a big sieve, in the fridge, for about eight hours. Serve it with Middle Eastern dishes, or roll it into balls, coat with chopped herbs and serve as a snack or an appetiser.

Yoghurt and Tahina sauce is nice with vegetables or plain meats. Put about 2 tab of tahina in a bowl and gradually stir in about 350 ml of plain yoghurt, salt and pepper to taste, a little cumin or chopped parsley or dill if you like.

davidt4 - 2019-05-04 15:04:00

If you leave the seal unbroken it will last a lot longer than the date on the lid. You can even freeze it. You can substitute it for milk or cream in most recipies.

brouser3 - 2019-05-04 15:14:00

You can thin it down with milk and use as you would for buttermilk in a recipe, freeze it (write the amount - eg cup size or mls on outside), make tzatziki sauce with cucumber, garlic and mint to have with meats, or add some crushed frozen fruit to it, and try this cake (quick and easy to do in a food processor/wizz, will freeze well, and is gorgeously moist).


1 teaspn instant coffee
1/4 cup boiling water
1 teaspn vanilla
1/4 cup cold water
125 gm (4 oz) butter (softened)
1/4 cup cocoa
1 egg
1/2 cup yoghurt (any flavour, but fruit is nice)
1 cup sugar
1.5 cups self raising flour

Put instant coffee in a cup, pour the boiling water in and stir, add cold water and let stand. Into a food processor place the sugar, soft butter, egg, vanilla and yoghurt and process until smooth. Add the sifted flour and cocoa to the mixture along with the coffee liquid, and only pulse very briefly - stop mixing as soon as the mixture is blended. Place mixture into a non-stick ring tin and bake at 180 C for about 30 minutes (or until centre springs back when pressed and the sides shrink from the tin). Leave in tin for 5 minutes before removing. Ice only if desired..

Edited by autumnwinds at 4:44 pm, Sat 4 May

autumnwinds - 2019-05-04 16:42:00

This is a good recipe to make Yoghurt cheese, too - which will give you more time and options, if you google "yoghurt cheese recipes".....

Edited by autumnwinds at 4:47 pm, Sat 4 May

autumnwinds - 2019-05-04 16:46:00

Thanks guys, knew you would come up with some good ideas, yoghurt cheese intrigues me, might give that a go when I can make more room in my fridge for a bowl and strainer. - Trying to shop every 2 weeks instead of weekly, so as you can imagine my fridge is rather full of veg, milk, etc etc. Also tzatziki, havnt made that for years and I used to love it. Must hunt up a cucumber and make it. Many years ago my friend and I were working on a Moshav in Israel, we made 'Tzatziki' and had it every day for breakfast along with some sort of flatbread a local guy used to sell us that his wife would make, this was what we ate for 6 weeks, it was lovely. However when we were leaving we found out the 'yoghurt' we were buying to make tzatziki, was in fact Sour cream (couldnt read the writing on pottle), no wonder it was so super yummy.

dibble35 - 2019-05-04 17:12:00

I soak oats in milk and yoghurt overnight add fresh or dried fruit and nuts to your taste.

eastie3 - 2019-05-04 18:19:00
dibble35 wrote:

I bought it to use in a baking recipe, but when I looked up what it was for it was for a zucchini choc cake, and of course my zucchini have finished long ago....i'm a bit slow I know. So its got 4 days left before its use by/BB date and i'm not a huge fan of plain yoghurt, dont want to put it in smoothies etc. Anything else I can make with it, prefer something savoury maybe as i've just done 2 lots of baking this morning, dont really need anything else sweet although if the recipes yummy enough I may cave and make it :-) TIA

What about using grated beetroot in place of the zucchini in your choccy cake. I do this when I don't have zucchini. You could also use the yoghurt in savoury muffins or scones. I add it to satay sauce and curries.

nauru - 2019-05-04 19:01:00

I use a raw unsweetened yogurt in place of milk or buttermilk in scone & muffin recipes, try Annabelle Whites buttermilk scones with the yogurt, I add cheese to them.

sooseque - 2019-05-04 22:48:00

Lemon yoghurt cake with a syrup over it is delish with wipped cream or yoghurt.

kiwiscrapper1 - 2019-05-04 23:52:00

Add herbs etc and make Labneh cheese. So simple to make.

jan2242 - 2019-05-06 10:30:00
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