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Turkish Eggs - brekky recipe


I actually have these for lunch.....there are are a few variations on the internet however all are similar; this is how I do mine.

Chop garlic and stir into plain yogurt
Soft poach 2 eggs
Melt butter in a small fry pan, add some small tomatoes and chilli(I use Beekist Angel) and swirl until the butter goes foamy and browns slightly.
Drain eggs and nestle into the yoghurt, salt.
Pop the tomatoes onto the side of the eggs and drizzle the butter/chilli mixture over eggs.
Sprinkle with dukkah.


To make this even more substantial eat with a seed bread; I use the one in this link:

Bon appetit!

awoftam - 2019-04-30 13:39:00

Ohhh yum. I had this in Melbourne recently and it was freaking amazing. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

norse_westie - 2019-05-01 18:39:00
norse_westie wrote:

Ohhh yum. I had this in Melbourne recently and it was freaking amazing. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

You are welcome - I refrained from having it today lol; I just love it - have eaten them for yonks then thought I'd share.


awoftam - 2019-05-01 19:03:00

I think this is a Nadia Lim recipe
Turkish eggs
1 T Olive Oil
1 Onion diced
2 cloves garlic
2 t g cumin
2 t smoked paprika
3T tomato paste
1 T chilli flakes
1 can crushed tomatoes
1/4 c water
1 can chickpeas
salt and pepper
4 eggs
300gms feta
coriander or parsley 1/4 cup

heat oil, add onion and garlic cook 3 to 4 mins. till soft
Add cumin and smoked paprika cook 1 min
Stir in tomato paste, chilli flakes, crushed tomatoes, water and chickpeas
Simmer 4 to 5 minutes till thicken add salt and pepper.
Create 4 pockets for eggs.
Cover and cook low heat till eggs are cooked
Put on to plate crumbed feta and garnish with coriander or parsley

hot and spicy, is for breakfast but sometimes have it for lunch or tea anytime really

slimgym - 2019-05-03 04:06:00

It is called Cilbir and Nadia might have re-invented it. If you ever go to Turkey make sure you eat the Original. Most western recipes use butter instead of virgin olive oil - what a difference!

This is probably the closest you get to the Original:

I use the Korean chilli flakes as they are not too hot, but very flavourful and I always have heaps in the fridge for kim-chi.

Happy cooking.

uli - 2019-05-16 18:57:00

And if you add the "Shepherd’s Salad" which is cucumbers, tomatoes, spring onions and some salt pepper and olive oil and some "real bread" (not the NZ white loaves) then you have a very great breakfast. Give it a go!

uli - 2019-05-16 18:59:00

Interesting web site, thanks Uli.

davidt4 - 2019-05-16 19:36:00
uli wrote:

It is called Cilbir and Nadia might have re-invented it. If you ever go to Turkey make sure you eat the Original. Most western recipes use butter instead of virgin olive oil - what a difference!

This is probably the closest you get to the Original:

I use the Korean chilli flakes as they are not too hot, but very flavourful and I always have heaps in the fridge for kim-chi.

Happy cooking.

Nadia? Who is Nadia?

Anyhoooo yes I have had it with olive oil, which is how the cafe here does them, and do love it atho to be fair I probably err on the side of butter, personally as I like the taste of brown butter. Red pepper flakes are interchanged with chilli, depending on how I feel. And to be sure, if I do eat bread it is usually pide from the local bakery.

That shepherds salad is very close to an indian one I make - just swap out spring onions for red and its pretty much the same. Interesting how cultures borrow and learn from each other, adapting as they go, to suit their own produce and taste.

Edited by awoftam at 9:05 am, Sat 18 May

awoftam - 2019-05-18 09:03:00
awoftam wrote:

Nadia? Who is Nadia?

Nadia is Nadia Lim - see post #4 for her take on this recipe.

uli - 2019-05-27 17:10:00
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