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Brown rice and wholewheat pasta


I have never used these before but am about to try them. do they take longer to cook? Can I use wholewheat lasagne in the same way I use white lasagne or do I need to pre-cook it, or increase the cooking time?

Can I cook brown rice in the rice cooker?

pennyo - 2019-04-28 18:16:00

Both take longer to cook, the rice quite a bit longer, but surely can be done in a rice cooker though never used one .

lilyfield - 2019-04-28 22:08:00

According to Martha Stewart... she of the penitentary fame...

Many recipes call for 50 minutes, but we think 30 minutes is plenty. A wide, shallow pot with a tight-fitting lid ensures evenly cooked grains. Steam and Fluff: Let the cooked rice sit for 10 minutes, covered, to absorb maximum moisture; then remove the lid, and fluff the grains with a fork

I haven't cooked it for years but I would try 30 minutes and test

karlymouse - 2019-04-28 22:16:00
karlymouse wrote:

According to Martha Stewart... she of the penitentary fame...

Many recipes call for 50 minutes, but we think 30 minutes is plenty. A wide, shallow pot with a tight-fitting lid ensures evenly cooked grains. Steam and Fluff: Let the cooked rice sit for 10 minutes, covered, to absorb maximum moisture; then remove the lid, and fluff the grains with a fork

I haven't cooked it for years but I would try 30 minutes and test

And definitely use more water.

buzzy110 - 2019-04-29 16:00:00

The member deleted this message.

aktow - 2019-04-29 21:18:00
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