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Chelsea buns with plenty of spice for Easter


Hi does anyone make Chelsea Buns? Could I have your recipe, I’m finding the hot cross buns are horrible these days would be nice to try to bake some Chelsea buns instead,

infinityjrc - 2019-04-14 19:28:00

I just use a standard scone dough. Roll it out like a swiss roll amd fill with butter, sugar spices and some sultanas. Never use a recipe, just go for it.

lilyfield - 2019-04-14 19:58:00
lilyfield wrote:

I just use a standard scone dough. Roll it out like a swiss roll amd fill with butter, sugar spices and some sultanas. Never use a recipe, just go for it.

I too use a scone recipe, the lemonade one ( except I use soda water) and bake them in Texas muffin tins, keeps them uniform and high.

wheelz - 2019-04-14 21:32:00

Chelsea buns really need a (yeast) bread dough and it is probably just as easy to do that. I'm biased as I love the smell of baking and especially yeast recipes... You have inspired me to give Chelsea buns a go!

Agree, most hot cross buns are rubbish.

socram - 2019-04-14 22:54:00

Hi any Chelsea bun recipes keen for yeast based one. Thanks

infinityjrc - 2019-04-15 22:31:00

I would assume you just make a enriched dough which is what hot cross buns (or fruit buns) pr doughnuts are made with just different shape with icing on top. I will see if I can find a recipe for you.

marcs - 2019-04-15 22:55:00

This recipe is out of the AWW cook book. I make the same recipe for hot cross but except it uses less butter (80g). I have made the buns with high grade flour and also plain flour. The recipe states plain flour. It works with both.

2 x 7g sachets of yeast (14g in total if measuring)
1 tsp castor sugar
1 tsp plain flour
1 1/2 cups body temp milk. No warmer that 37 deg c or you will kill the yeast.

Combine all above and set aside in a warm place for 10 minutes or till frothy. I warm up the oven slightly (50 deg) for 5 minutes, turn off and put the mix in covered with a tea towel on top.

2 cups(280g) currants (or what ever fruit. Buns I use sultana)
1 tsp lemon rind
1 tsp cinnamon (I would double this. If not enough add more next time)
1 egg lightly beaten
4 cups plain flour or bread flour
125 butter melted but not hot. (I melt for 30 sec in microwave till mostly melted)
2/3 cup brown sugar firmly packed.
1 tbs castor sugar extra.

Place currants in pan. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and cool. Drain well. Combine in a bowl with rind and cinnamon.
Whisk egg into the yeast mixture. Sift flour into a large bowl and add the yeast mixture. Knead till smooth. Cover in and stand in warm place for 40 minutes or till doubled in size. (it may take a little longer if weather is cold. I would suggest to use hot water cupboard or oven).
Turn out dough on a floured surface and knead for 3 minutes. Roll out dough into a 30x40cm. Brush a 1/4 of the butter and sprinkle evenly with 1/3 of brown sugar.
Fold 1 end of the dough to come up 2/3 of the way. Fold the over end over it like a book fold. Turn dough half way around with open end facing you. Roll again into 30x40. Brush dough with 1/2 remaining butter, sprinkle with remaining sugar and sprinkle the currants on top. Roll dough like a swiss roll. Cut dough into 9 pieces. Butter a 23cm cake pan. Place cut dough in the pan with cut side up and sprinkle with remaining castor sugar. Stand dough in warm place for 20 minutes or until buns have risen slightly. Drizzle buns with remaining butter. Place in oven at 200c (not fan forced) for 5 minutes then reduce temp to 180c (not fan forced) for another 25 minutes. For fan forced ovens drop temps by 10 - 15 deg c.
Turn buns out and drizzle with icing.
Icing - 1 cup icing sugar, 1 tbs milk approx.

This one is slightly different but uses same method.

marcs - 2019-04-15 23:26:00

This is the recipe I use for hot cross buns. I leave the peel out and use 1 1/4 cup of milk. Sometimes I need more. I live in Australia so find Australian flour is horrible for this recipe. I have now found italian flour and it turns out much better. I do add an extra egg but never used to in NZ.

marcs - 2019-04-15 23:36:00
marcs wrote:

This is the recipe I use for hot cross buns. I leave the peel out and use 1 1/4 cup of milk. Sometimes I need more. I live in Australia so find Australian flour is horrible for this recipe. I have now found italian flour and it turns out much better. I do add an extra egg but never used to in NZ.

My spice mix for this recipe is 2 TBS mixed spice, 1TBS cinnamon and 1tsp clove. Turned out beautiful today.

marcs - 2019-04-19 21:30:00
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