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Egg plants / aubergines


While i cringe every day at the mistakes in literally every Herald article (thers, theirs, bought, brought etc) this really takes the biscuit :

"...Eggplant is grown on large trees inside glasshouses in quite a few regions around New Zealand...."

Bon appetit - if you find one of those "large trees" let me know and I will take a cutting or even seeds ...

uli - 2019-03-31 19:50:00

LOL, its a mistake at the New World end, they Ok'd the advert/article, The herald just prints what the customer (New World) wants. I write an article several times a month for our local paper and i've seen mine end up in the Herald online. And i know I sometimes make grammatical errors. My mother phoned me up one day to tell me what I had done I should probably get her to proof read every article I write.

dibble35 - 2019-03-31 20:25:00

My two 'large trees' in my glass house are all of 5' high ...I must have the miniature version?

samanya - 2019-04-01 10:23:00
dibble35 wrote:

I write an article several times a month for our local paper and i've seen mine end up in the Herald online. And i know I sometimes make grammatical errors. My mother phoned me up one day to tell me what I had done I should probably get her to proof read every article I write.

I would be happy to proof read dibble35 .

uli - 2019-04-02 19:14:00
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