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Ginger Kisses


Is there some dessert that I could make with (bought) ginger kisses that the buttercream filling has kind of reduced to a sugary crystallised film? They are not nice to eat and won't be buying any more! Thanks

raffella - 2019-03-27 16:20:00

Set them up in a line on their edge and pour over baileys or equivalent. Pour over some choc sauce and cover in whipped cream to make a log. Crumble over a crushed Flake and serve.
My standby for softened gingernuts or chokky chip biscuits. No reason ginger kisses wouldn't work as long as it doesn't sit too long as they are already soft.

bisloy - 2019-03-27 17:33:00

How about a trifle raffella? Because I love ginger I'd be tempted to add some ginger to the custard (ground or crystallised) or how about making it a pineapple and ginger/tropical type trifle and adding both pineapple and chopped crystallised ginger to the ginger kisses before topping them with custard. If they need it the ginger kisses could be moistened with ginger wine or pineapple juice, or a mixture of both.

Hope that helps. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 7:03 pm, Wed 27 Mar

245sam - 2019-03-27 19:03:00

Wow, I might be tempted to buy more just to try these ideas!!
Both sound great, many thanks.

raffella - 2019-03-27 21:13:00
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