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Fruit in Jelly


Lately when I make a jelly - just using Greggs Jelly packets - and add fruit the fruit pieces, except for grapes, all float to the top. How do I get it spread evenly through the jelly please?

g14us - 2019-02-20 11:14:00

Do it in stages layering the fruit as you go. Just keep topping up with fruit and jelly when the previous layer is set.

nauru - 2019-02-20 11:38:00

But whilst the first layer with fruit is setting wouldn't the remaining original jelly (in another bowl) also be setting so how would you then use it to make the next layer? Are you suggesting making 3-4 jellies?

g14us - 2019-02-20 11:52:00
g14us wrote:

But whilst the first layer with fruit is setting wouldn't the remaining original jelly (in another bowl) also be setting so how would you then use it to make the next layer? Are you suggesting making 3-4 jellies?

Put the one you want set in the fridge and leave the rest on the bench. If it happens to set, you can just warm it slightly to melt it again.

geldof - 2019-02-20 14:14:00
geldof wrote:

Put the one you want set in the fridge and leave the rest on the bench. If it happens to set, you can just warm it slightly to melt it again.

This is the way I do it, easy and only uses one jelly.

Edited by nauru at 2:41 pm, Wed 20 Feb

nauru - 2019-02-20 14:38:00

OK thanks, I'll try that next time. I made one this morning and I have floating banana and sunken grapes. That's a different sort of layering!!!! A scoop of fruit jelly is nice with fruit semifreddo to round off the evening meal on these hot days

g14us - 2019-02-20 15:08:00

I wait until the jelly is slightly set, then add the fruit.

korbo - 2019-02-20 15:41:00
korbo wrote:

I wait until the jelly is slightly set, then add the fruit.

Yes I am wondering whether that is where I have gone wrong because I am absolutely positive when I made the fruit jelly at Christmas time the fruit was evenly distributed - and of course everyone who was here at the time says "oh, no idea but it was nice" That is just so useful !

g14us - 2019-02-20 16:10:00
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