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Parmesan Cheese Prices


I'm seeing the price of Parmesan cheese creep up quite a bit. Just bought 200gm of Mainland Parmesan for $6.99. Thats $35 per kg! Does anyone know a better way of purchasing please?

sun-flower - 2019-02-17 11:03:00

Well you only need small quantities usually so I buy the best I can afford at the time - Mainland is on special for $32 a kilo at Countdown this week but it’s not the best/strongest flavour so you need to use more. I prefer actual Italian Parmesan as the flavour is stronger.

sarahb5 - 2019-02-17 21:12:00
sun-flower wrote:

I'm seeing the price of Parmesan cheese creep up quite a bit. Just bought 200gm of Mainland Parmesan for $6.99. Thats $35 per kg! Does anyone know a better way of purchasing please?

I made some which was really nice not sure that its any cheaper but you know whats gone into it and the process of its manufacture

fogs - 2019-02-17 23:19:00

Ricotta has gone the same way; time to try making my own I think.

wildflower - 2019-02-18 14:39:00
sarahb5 wrote:

... I prefer actual Italian Parmesan as the flavour is stronger.

I agree. Italian Parmesan may seem expensive, but a little goes a long way and the flavour is much much better.

As an alternative to Parmesan I sometimes buy Meyer Vintage Gouda. The flavour is slightly different but absolutely excellent and it enhances savoury dishes in the same way.

davidt4 - 2019-02-18 15:03:00

I justed looked at the prices at our local cheese shop. One of the cheese is $120 kg, most are around $50. Who knew?

carter19 - 2019-02-18 18:59:00
carter19 wrote:

I justed looked at the prices at our local cheese shop. One of the cheese is $120 kg, most are around $50. Who knew?

No surprise to me but I do think “artisan” or “boutique” cheese is over priced and that to most people there’s very little difference

sarahb5 - 2019-02-18 19:11:00

If you're going to pay that much for cheese, at least buy real Parmigiano-Reggiano.

fizzy_kiwi - 2019-02-19 09:08:00
fogs wrote:

I made some which was really nice not sure that its any cheaper but you know whats gone into it and the process of its manufacture

Thanks Fogs. I'm interested in looking to make my own. Did you use a Mad Millie Kit or did you have your own method. Very keen to try!!

sun-flower - 2019-02-19 13:28:00

Tell me something about Ornelle Hard Cheese Grated Parmesan Cylinder 150g - listed on Countdown. I like it when it gets really strong in smell and flavour but sometimes it is pretty mild. I always thought stink and tasty was the way it should be but I'm not so sure that is correct. Grated blocks leave me wondering, 'why bother?' because it's almost tasteless to me. So how should it be?

Edited by paora-tm at 2:46 pm, Tue 19 Feb

paora-tm - 2019-02-19 14:41:00

As unimpressed as I am by block parmesan we do at least have the perfect grater for it. :)

paora-tm - 2019-02-19 14:43:00

That pre-grated "Parmesan" is vile and nothing like proper Parmigiano-Reggiano (Italian Parmesan). The real thing smells warm and slightly caramelly, the flavour is intensely savoury, nutty with caramel overtones. It is full of umami and totally delicious.

davidt4 - 2019-02-19 15:09:00
davidt4 wrote:

That pre-grated "Parmesan" is vile and nothing like proper Parmigiano-Reggiano (Italian Parmesan). The real thing smells warm and slightly caramelly, the flavour is intensely savoury, nutty with caramel overtones. It is full of umami and totally delicious.

Exactly - the pre-grated Parmesan dust smells like v*mit - actual blocks of real Italian Parmesan have a deliciously nutty flavour and do not have the same disgusting smell at all - very distinct flavour and you need very little. As an aside I was given a small block of Puhoi Parmesan in a Bargain Box delivery - it has zero taste and is not even hard, it’s orange and very rubbery - Mainland tasty has more flavour

sarahb5 - 2019-02-19 16:22:00

Grana padano is a good substitute. Still not cheap but should be cheaper than parmigiana. Either way, a little goes a long way and they keep well.

blands70 - 2019-02-19 18:45:00
davidt4 wrote:

That pre-grated "Parmesan" is vile

lol, that's what I'm told everytime I use it. I almost get exiled to another room to eat it. Funny thing is my 'addiction' for it started some years ago when I used to go an Italian eatery in Auckland for a regular dose of Spag. Bolognese - smelly parmesan available to shake over it. :) Smells a lot fresher than 'rotten' corn. lol

Edited by paora-tm at 6:35 pm, Wed 20 Feb

paora-tm - 2019-02-20 18:34:00
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