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What is your favourite Christmas dessert


Looking for inspiration for a show stopper,but not complicated, christmas dessert for 15 people. Have trifle,fruit salad,pavlova under control. Was thinking maybe something in the ice cream line.

mausymoo - 2017-12-04 07:29:00

Trifle and Fruit Salad.

willman - 2017-12-04 07:40:00

A platter of fruit on skewers, chocs etc can look attractive.

frances1266 - 2017-12-04 07:46:00

Baked Alaska (but you do have a Pav), likewise a Salzburger Nockerl, or Berries and Clouds - Recipe follows, is very yummy and unique -

450g Blueberries
Grated zest and juice of ½ lemon
50g Icing sugar plus extra for dusting
70grams castor sugar
7 eggs separated
A pinch of salt
1 ½ tablespoons cornflour
Custard to serve (optional).

Preheat oven 180 C.
Put the Berries, lemon zest and juice in the prepared 20cm greased
baking dish and sprinkle with the icing sugar.
Put egg whites and salt in a very clean bowl and whisk until the eggs are foamy.
Add 50g of castor sugar, a tablespoon at a time, and whisk well between each addition.
Keep whisking until the whites have quadrupled in size and are stiff to hold their shape when you hold the bowl upside down.
Put egg yolks and remaining sugar in a separate bowl and whisk until the eggs are fluffy.
Beat in the cornflour until incorporated.
Finally carefully fold the mixture into the beaten egg whites with a metal spoon, in 3 stages, trying to maintain as much air in the mixture as possible.
Portion the mixture over the berries in 3 mounds to resemble the 3 mountains that surround Salzburg, (similar to our National Park Tongariro LOL).
Bake the pudding in the preheated oven for 30 minutes or until a light crust has formed on the outside and the interior of the egg topping is no longer liquid – a skewer inserted in the middle should come out clean.
Turn the oven off and leave the pudding inside with the door closed for a further 15 minutes before removing it and serving it immediately.
Dust with icing sugar and serve with a little custard if you like.

Then in pure ice Cream area is Cherry ripple ice-cream, recipe follows and can use the egg whites for those pavs....
2 1/2 cups (625ml) thickened cream
250g spreadable cream cheese
1 cup (250ml) milk
8 free range egg yolks
1 cup (220g) caster sugar
3 Arnott's Butternut Snap cookie biscuits, crushed
Cherry ripple
500g fresh cherries, halved, stones removed
1/3 cup (75g) caster sugar
1/4 cup (60ml) water
1 teaspoon almond essence
To make the cherry ripple, place the cherries, sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring, for 2 mins or until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to medium-high. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 6-8 mins or until cherries soften and mixture reduces by half and thickens. Set aside to cool.
Process the cherry mixture in a food processor until smooth. Add almond essence and process until combined.
Combine the cream, cream cheese and milk in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Bring just to a simmer and remove from heat.
Use an electric mixer to beat the egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl until thick and pale. Gradually stir in the cream mixture, in batches, until combined. Pour into a clean saucepan and place over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 8-10 mins or until custard coats the back of a spoon. Set aside to cool.
Add half the cherry ripple and stir to combine. Pour into a shallow metal container. Cover with foil and place in the freezer for 3 hours or until firm.
Roughly break up the ice-cream with a metal spoon. Transfer to a food processor and process until smooth. Return half the ice-cream to the metal container and add half the remaining cherry ripple. Gently swirl to create a marbled effect. Repeat with remaining ice-cream and cherry ripple. Cover with foil and place in the freezer for 3 hours or until firm.
Preheat oven to 180C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spread the biscuit crumbs over the lined tray. Bake for 5 mins or until lightly toasted. Set aside to cool.
To serve, scoop

valentino - 2017-12-04 08:05:00

And then there is this one, Hmmmmm.

The-night-before frozen Christmas ice-cream cake

800 g square dark fruit cake
550 g frozen mixed berries
1 L good-quality vanilla bean ice-cream
2 tbsp brandy or rum
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1 1/2 tsp finely grated mandarin or orange rind
1/4 cup (40g) dry-roasted almonds, chopped coarsely
10 vanilla flavour mini meringue drops

1. Grease a 20cm springform pan; line base and side with baking paper, extending paper 3cm beyond rim.
2. Cut fruit cake into three slices horizontally. Place a square slice in the centre of the base of the pan. Using remaining slices, trim them to fit the gaps; reserve trimmings. Using your hands, flatten fruit cake to form a level base without gaps. Cut trimmings into small pieces.
3. Remove ½ cup frozen red berries, cut any strawberries in half. Press strawberries to the side of the pan using some ice-cream as ‘glue’. Place the pan in the freezer for 10 minutes.
4. Spoon remaining ice-cream into a large bowl; stir in brandy, nutmeg, rind and almonds; stir to combine. Spoon one-third of the ice-cream mixture into the pan; scatter with one-third reserved fruit cake, smooth level with a spoon. Repeat with remaining ice-cream mixture and fruit cake. Freeze for 4 hours or overnight until firm.
5. To serve, transfer cake to a serving plate. Layer remaining berries and meringues over the top, crushing some of the meringues in the process.

The cake can be made up to three days ahead.

valentino - 2017-12-04 08:08:00

You can cheat on anything, example that ice cream recipe above can be used but purchase a 2 litre tub of a nice vanilla ice cream and incorporate the biscuit crumbs as noted then simply just do that cherry part.


valentino - 2017-12-04 08:34:00

An easy Christmas ice cream is to slightly soften 2 litres of vanilla ice cream enough to stir through a jar of fruit mincemeat and refreeze

sarahb5 - 2017-12-04 10:46:00

My son always insists on having chocolate self saucing pudding at Christmas and my friend's daughter insists on either tiramisu or cheesecake

sarahb5 - 2017-12-04 10:47:00
sarahb5 wrote:

An easy Christmas ice cream is to slightly soften 2 litres of vanilla ice cream enough to stir through a jar of fruit mincemeat and refreeze

What a great idea sarah. Will give that a go. Thank you.

kiwitrish - 2017-12-08 10:22:00
kiwitrish wrote:

What a great idea sarah. Will give that a go. Thank you.

Would be nice served with a liqueur poured over the top like an affogato - Kahlua, frangelico or limoncello would be good

Edited by sarahb5 at 11:25 am, Fri 8 Dec

sarahb5 - 2017-12-08 11:24:00
sarahb5 wrote:

Would be nice served with a liqueur poured over the top like an affogato - Kahlua, frangelico or limoncello would be good

I am into that ;)

kiwitrish - 2017-12-08 11:31:00
kiwitrish wrote:

I am into that ;)

Ha ha - me too

sarahb5 - 2017-12-08 12:14:00

Chocolate Cinnamon Meringue Cake....sickly and gooey and simple deliishimo

rainrain1 - 2017-12-08 12:23:00

Pav and a good Tiramisu.

fruitbat - 2017-12-08 12:25:00

Impressive looking Summer Berry Jelly & white Chocolate Pannacotta
Easy, delicious and looks very Christmassy.

wheelz - 2017-12-08 19:15:00

Christmas pud and clustered, ????

pollypanner - 2017-12-08 19:41:00

Do various Christmas cake, raspberry white choc rocky road, orange cardamon, liquored rich chocolate pop cakes and truffles swirling in shape of tall croquembouche on a pretty cake stand, for additional height, dotted with fresh strawberries and white rose buds for that Showstopper!

Or a strawberry, or chocolate, or pistachio, meringue discs large to small creamed and layered with loads fresh raspberrys, strawberrys and or blueberries cascading in the shape of a Christmas tree stack. Drizzle with passionfruit pulp.

Oh and a tub of the best your money can buy vanilla icecream on the side.

Tis the creative time of year I enjoy. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

rexavier - 2017-12-08 22:58:00

or very good vanilla ice cream softened, swirled through with lemon curd, passionfruit pulp and meringue pieces then frozen. To serve loosen the edges with a warm knife or container dipped under hot water few seconds. Then onto a gorgeous plate with edge, pile high fresh strawberries or season fruit crack over more meringue pieces, lemon curd and passionfruit pulp.

Make your own honey comb. Choc dip it then shatter over ice cream tub tipped onto a plate. Chocolate or caramel sauce to drizzle.

Or spend some time to make lots chocolate liquer stars on lined baking sheets, fridge to set, peel back then stick them all over to completely cover a tub upturned icecream right at serving time. Guaranteed ooohs and aaahs when you walk out with that one.

Using your jelly molds or shaped pans, adds nice touch to frozen desserts

rexavier - 2017-12-08 23:12:00

Now here is something that is different but easy and quick to do.

Two methods though but the second one goes very well.

A very nice chocolate bar placed in the centre of a rectangular shape piece of Fluffy Puff Pastry, at each corner of the bar, cut the pastry out but in the same line as the side of chocolate. Fold these end parts of pastry over the chocolate. Now cut the side part of Pastry into strip like pieces and fold them over the chocolate to create a parcel but to allow the choc to seep a little through the top of parcel when heated and baked in the oven at 180C until pastry is golden. Serve on a plate after a little bit of icing sugar sifted all over the parcel then cutting where the pastry strips are cut and be wary of oozing choc whilst warm/hot.

The Second method is to make smaller parcels to enclose just a piece of choc ( White or Milk or dark) and add a berry fruit or a piece of pineapple or other fruit. Once again some sifted icing sugar.

The kids simply love these.

valentino - 2017-12-09 08:53:00


ruby2shoes - 2017-12-09 11:08:00
valentino wrote:

Now here is something that is different but easy and quick to do.

Two methods though but the second one goes very well.

A very nice chocolate bar placed in the centre of a rectangular shape piece of Fluffy Puff Pastry, at each corner of the bar, cut the pastry out but in the same line as the side of chocolate. Fold these end parts of pastry over the chocolate. Now cut the side part of Pastry into strip like pieces and fold them over the chocolate to create a parcel but to allow the choc to seep a little through the top of parcel when heated and baked in the oven at 180C until pastry is golden. Serve on a plate after a little bit of icing sugar sifted all over the parcel then cutting where the pastry strips are cut and be wary of oozing choc whilst warm/hot.

The Second method is to make smaller parcels to enclose just a piece of choc ( White or Milk or dark) and add a berry fruit or a piece of pineapple or other fruit. Once again some sifted icing sugar.

The kids simply love these.

- I would love these as well, 2 of my fav things choc and pastry in one dessert, whats not to like!

dibble35 - 2017-12-09 11:45:00

Don't like desserts at all.
We just eat fruit at Xmas, cherries, raspberries, passionfruit, peaches. As is.

lythande1 - 2017-12-09 14:24:00

Wheelz do you have the recipe for the white chocolate panacotta and jelly.
Thank you to everyone - there are some delicious sounding desserts to try.

mausymoo - 2017-12-10 17:34:00

** oops, this was sliding off the end, into the Great Abyss of lost threads**

autumnwinds - 2018-12-10 22:50:00


bev00 - 2019-12-09 00:09:00

Annabel Langbein Strawberry Cloud Cake looks good - has anyone made it?

lisa7 - 2019-12-09 09:12:00

I make this every Xmas. Looks good and tastes great

cardiffgirl - 2019-12-09 10:52:00

Christmas Cassata - a Countdown recipe. I always double it though

groomingtools - 2019-12-09 10:57:00

My favorite.....
Make a syrup with 2 cups water and 1 of sugar, Add the peel of 2 lemons and the juice of one, and a couple of cinnamon sticks. Bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes, then add a packet of thawed frozen blueberries. Bring back to the boil, cover and turn off the heat. Cool, then fish out the cinnamon and lemon peel. Chill the blueberries and syrup, then add as many different other fresh berries as you can get into the syrup.... strawberries, raspberries, boysenberries, etc.
Serve alongside any other Christmas dessert. It goes with everything, but is good enough just to eat with cream, icecream or just a simple piece of sponge cake. And it keeps well in the fridge for two or thee days.

punkinthefirst - 2019-12-09 20:13:00

Yes lisa7, I made the Strawberry Cloud's so nice...and easy to make. Going to make it again this Christmas.

nana_gee - 2019-12-14 14:38:00
cardiffgirl wrote:

I make this every Xmas. Looks good and tastes great

I love this type of dessert ...I make a very similar one & it's quite refreshing.

samanya - 2019-12-14 16:44:00
punkinthefirst wrote:

My favorite.....
Make a syrup with 2 cups water and 1 of sugar, Add the peel of 2 lemons and the juice of one, and a couple of cinnamon sticks. Bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes, then add a packet of thawed frozen blueberries. Bring back to the boil, cover and turn off the heat. Cool, then fish out the cinnamon and lemon peel. Chill the blueberries and syrup, then add as many different other fresh berries as you can get into the syrup.... strawberries, raspberries, boysenberries, etc.
Serve alongside any other Christmas dessert. It goes with everything, but is good enough just to eat with cream, icecream or just a simple piece of sponge cake. And it keeps well in the fridge for two or thee days.

That sounds like a 'keeper'!
I might give that a try this year.

samanya - 2019-12-14 16:45:00

If you do the strawberry cloud cake, serve IMMEDIATELY it comes out of the freezer!

xpatch - 2019-12-14 17:20:00

brandy snaps...not homemade.

craftylady1 - 2019-12-14 18:17:00
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