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Truffles. My turn to make sweets this year.


Any nice recipes would be appreciated. Making Rocky Road but not too sure what else to make. Mixture of young and older people to cater for.
Many thanks and looking forward to tried and true recipes.

Edited by clair4 at 12:38 pm, Sun 3 Dec

clair4 - 2017-12-03 12:38:00

A packet of Tim tams, crushed. 250 grams of softened cream cheese. Mix together and then cover with coconut or cocoa or crushed nuts or freeze and then dip in melted chocolate.
Choc mint slices are good to use with the cream cheese as well. Add fruit and nuts as extra flavour if wanted. This is a base recipe that you can then change to what ever you want to add.

So easy and quick to make.

jobb - 2017-12-03 13:27:00

The mint slices sound good. Oh so very rich but it is Xmas. Thanks

clair4 - 2017-12-03 14:20:00

Easiest fudge ever - add cranberries too for a more Christmassy flavour - make it now and keep in the freezer. Actually you can eat it straight from the freezer too.

sarahb5 - 2017-12-03 14:44:00

Allison Holst's milk powder truffles. Very tasty, makes a big batch and you can use any liquor you like. All ways find it an easy item to make and great for gifting.

moparpete - 2017-12-03 15:01:00
moparpete wrote:

Allison Holst's milk powder truffles. Very tasty, makes a big batch and you can use any liquor you like. All ways find it an easy item to make and great for gifting.[/quote
What book is this recipe in? I have several so will have a look. Thanks

clair4 - 2017-12-03 17:01:00

Not sure if this is the same one but it is an AH recipe
Dried Milk Truffles
100 g soft butter
2 cups full cream milk powder
½ cup cocoa
1 cup icing sugar
1 ½ cups sultanas chopped
½- 1 teasp. almond or rum essence
1 teasp. vanilla
3 Tablsp. milk, sherry or brandy
Coconut, cocoa or chocolate hail for coating

Combine butter, milk powder, cocoa and icing sugar well, then add the sultanas and mix in. Add essences to taste then the liquid a spoonful at a time until the dry ingredients form a firm dough. Roll into balls about the size of small walnuts and then roll in coating. Refrigerate until firm. Store in fridge.

nauru - 2017-12-03 19:10:00

I see you're making Rocky Road, Op.....

When I do this around Christmas time. I use only white marshmallows, add the usual nuts, and add red, green and yellow jelly beans, for a really Christmassy touch.... Just a thought....

autumnwinds - 2017-12-03 19:20:00

What a good idea using the red and green jelly beans. I make mine with white and pink marshmallows, roasted peanuts, coconut and dark chocolate. It really is lovely, but I may try the jelly beans as well Thanks for the ideas.

clair4 - 2017-12-03 19:33:00

Try these.....

Creamy Caramels Recipe

1 teaspoon plus 1 cup butter, divided
1 cup sugar
1 cup dark corn syrup
1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract .

Line an 8-in.-square pan with foil; grease the foil with 1 teaspoon butter and set aside.
In a large heavy saucepan, combine sugar, corn syrup and remaining butter; bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil slowly for 4 minutes without stirring.
Remove from the heat; stir in milk. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook until a candy thermometer reads 115c (soft-ball stage), stirring constantly. Remove from the heat; stir in vanilla.
Pour into prepared pan (do not scrape saucepan). Cool. Using foil, lift candy out of pan. Discard foil; cut candy into 1-in. squares. Wrap individually in waxed paper; twist ends.

Editing to note that the wraps could be a wee nicely cut wax paper only to the length of caramel and sufficient to go around then wrap with a suitable Christmas wrap that is cut a bit longer and to overlap when wrapped and be able to twist the ends.

Edited by valentino at 7:42 pm, Sun 3 Dec

valentino - 2017-12-03 19:34:00
nauru wrote:

Not sure if this is the same one but it is an AH recipe
Dried Milk Truffles
100 g soft butter
2 cups full cream milk powder
½ cup cocoa
1 cup icing sugar
1 ½ cups sultanas chopped
½- 1 teasp. almond or rum essence
1 teasp. vanilla
3 Tablsp. milk, sherry or brandy
Coconut, cocoa or chocolate hail for coating

Combine butter, milk powder, cocoa and icing sugar well, then add the sultanas and mix in. Add essences to taste then the liquid a spoonful at a time until the dry ingredients form a firm dough. Roll into balls about the size of small walnuts and then roll in coating. Refrigerate until firm. Store in fridge.

That's the one. I used black Russian instead of Sherry and one time Bailey's, it's yummy.

moparpete - 2017-12-03 23:43:00
moparpete wrote:

That's the one. I used black Russian instead of Sherry and one time Bailey's, it's yummy.

I've never made this recipe but I just may have to give it a try this year. I have some pina colada liqueur in the fridge, hmmm.

Edited by nauru at 8:07 pm, Mon 4 Dec

nauru - 2017-12-04 20:05:00

bumping up

mutley83 - 2018-12-01 12:48:00

#2's recipe with tim tams is absolutely awesome.

articferrit - 2018-12-01 18:46:00

Any packet of biscuits and condensed milk. You can add dried fruits, alcohol, cocoa, coffee or any thing else you can think of. You can of course do the same with any cake crumbed up.

marcs - 2018-12-02 21:46:00


bev00 - 2019-12-01 22:34:00

My mum always makes these at Christmas and they are inhaled by the family! Packet of Toffee Pops put in a blender with Cream Cheese, rolled into balls then dipped in chocolate and put in the fridge to set.

jayzeeb - 2019-12-10 09:30:00
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