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garlic sauce recipe


looking for a good garlic sauce recipe can anyone help

spoon27 - 2016-05-26 15:04:00

Do you mean to make as a preserve or to dress a meal?
I've got a garlic & apple sauce recipe that I use as a preserve.

samanya - 2016-05-26 15:09:00

as preserve i did have one but lost it

spoon27 - 2016-05-26 15:13:00

I found another while I was looking for the apple/garlic sauce recipe ...hopefully one of them is the one you are after. Both are from Digby Laws 'Pickle & Chutney Cookbook'.
The first one is like an extremely potent Worcestershire sauce, apparently
Garlic Sauce ...I haven't tried it.
1 large onion150g Garlic
2 tbs whole cloves
1.5 tspns ground ginger
1 tbs salt
250 g brown sugar
1kg treacle
5 cups malt vinegar
0.5 cup Worcestershire sauce
Mince the peeled onion & the unpeeled garlic, combine with the remainingigredients, except for the W sauce & let stand overnight.
Next day bring the mixture slowly to the boil & cook gently, uncovered for 1 hour stirring continuously (that could be tiresome)
Rub the sauce through a sieve & then add the W sauce, pour into hot clean bottles & seal.

samanya - 2016-05-26 15:56:00

Apple & Garlic Ketchup.
I've found that the bottle needs a good shake before using.
750 g apples
250 g garlic
1.5 litres Malt vinegar
piece root ginger bruised
3 chillis split
2 tbsp whole cloves
4 tspns salt
4 tbspn peppercorns
500 g treacle
Coarsely chop the apples, cores skin etc. Do not peel the garlic but separate the cloves.
Combine the ingredients except the treacle, in a large saucepan & boil very gently for 1 hour, until the apples have pulped & the garlic is very tender. Rub through a strainer & return sauce to the cleaned saucepan. Add the treacle & bring to the boil , then boil for 5 mins.
Pour into hot clean bottles & seal. this should be kept for several months before using.
Hope that helps.

samanya - 2016-05-26 16:04:00

thanks I'll try them

spoon27 - 2016-05-26 16:20:00
spoon27 wrote:

thanks I'll try them

No probs ...Were either of them the one you lost?
The second one is not a thick sauce & as I said, it does tend to separate on standing, but that's no biggie.
Hope it goes well & hope you like them.

samanya - 2016-05-26 17:12:00

This message was deleted.

cleggyboy - 2016-05-27 10:29:00

That's good to know.
I grow my own garlic & never enough! Last season I grew about 90 cloves ...& I've used a huge amount already. It's my mission to grow huge fat cloves, consistently.

samanya - 2016-05-27 11:58:00


bev00 - 2017-05-27 21:55:00


bev00 - 2018-05-24 20:41:00

** bump **

PS - the recipe at #4 is terrific....

autumnwinds - 2019-05-21 00:00:00
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