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Rice Pudding


It was so dry. Very disappointing. Cooked it slowly and had heaps of milk in it. maybe I had too much rice. Was looking forward to it too and daughter wasn't very impressed at my first attempt. Hangs head.

ryelands1 - 2015-04-20 22:05:00

what a bummer. hate that when it happens, but treat it as a learning curve. what recipe did you use?

unknowndisorder - 2015-04-20 22:15:00

kinda made it from a few. So next time will stick to just making it from one recipe

ryelands1 - 2015-04-20 22:28:00

Needs a very small amount of rice - I made one yesterday, 4 cups of milk but only 1/2 cup of rice

sarahb5 - 2015-04-20 22:59:00

Creamy Rice Pudding

Yummy, had this last night and its the best rice pudding Ive ever tasted. I got it out of the NZ Womens Weekly, it's a Jo Seager one.
8 heaped tablespoons aborio rice
1/4 cup water
300ml milk
300ml cream (or you can use all milk)
Large knob butter
2 tblspns vanilla essence
4 tbspns castor sugar.
Place rice, water, milk and cream in saucepan. Bring to the boil, then turn down to a very gentle simmer. Stir every so often for 20 mins, until the rice has swelled up and thickened. Rice should be soft, but have a little bite to it. Stir in the butter, vanilla and sugar and stir until dissolved. Pour into a dish and place under gentle grill for four to five mins until a brown skin develops. Serve with cream. Serves 4.

petal1955 - 2015-04-21 10:34:00

I like mine cooked on the stove top now and with eggs. omg , so good. Wont go back to the old oven method.

molly37 - 2015-04-21 17:11:00

Molly, please share your recipe. I have not had a rice pudding for at least 10 years.

clair4 - 2015-04-21 17:27:00

I haven't made one for years either and usually just the Edmonds cookbook one, interested in other recipe, Jo Seagars one sounds nice and quick instead of 2hours!

kiwiscrapper1 - 2015-04-21 19:47:00

I've made the recipe posted by petal1955 but without the water and I put my dish of pudding inside a dish of boiling water in the oven - the steam seems to keep it moist.
Never tried the stovetop one but have read various recipes with egg in :-)

murfee - 2015-04-21 20:43:00

Molly pls post your recipe

dolphinlu - 2016-01-04 16:52:00

I'm going to regret posting this, because I am then going to want to make it!
Lovely and creamy, without the addition of an egg.
3/4 c rice.
4 c milk. ( can do 3 milk & 1 cream, or 1 can coconut milk/ cream and made up to 4 cups with milk)
3 tbsp sugar
2 tsp vanilla ( I use vanilla paste, love the tiny black seeds showing)
Optional addins: sultanas and or lemon rind ( I always add the rind)
Cook all but sugar and rind over a low heat in pot, stirring often ( so rice doesn't stick) until almost all the liquid is absorbed and rice is tender. Stir in sugar and rind.
My cooktop is gas, so I use a simmer mat to get a real low temp and avoid catching.

wheelz - 2016-01-05 13:59:00

and again

bev00 - 2017-01-04 01:43:00
ryelands1 wrote:

It was so dry. Very disappointing. Cooked it slowly and had heaps of milk in it. maybe I had too much rice. Was looking forward to it too and daughter wasn't very impressed at my first attempt. Hangs head.

I cook mine in the crockpot , just add more milk if need , its lovely and creamy everytime

smh63 - 2017-01-07 19:30:00

and again

bev00 - 2018-01-08 00:21:00

Here is the one I make. Sorry but can't remember the posters name but it is so good.

Heres one in the slow cooker that I use yummy and easy to remember
1 Cup white short grain rice
1 Cup Sugar
2 ltrs Blue top milk
put on high for about 4 hours
I sometimes substitute a can of light and creamy carnation milk as part of the milk allowance to make it creamier! MMMMMMMmmmmmm hungry now!

kiwitrish - 2018-01-08 10:04:00

Here is the one I make. Sorry but can't remember the posters name but it is so good.

Heres one in the slow cooker that I use yummy and easy to remember
1 Cup white short grain rice
1 Cup Sugar
2 ltrs Blue top milk
put on high for about 4 hours
I sometimes substitute a can creamy carnation milk as part of the milk allowance to make it creamier! MMMMMMMmmmmmm hungry now!
I give it a stir now and then after the first couple of hours.

kiwitrish - 2018-01-08 10:06:00

I second the use of Arborio rice... its delicious plus add some part cream or all cream if your arteries can stand it.

karlymouse - 2018-01-10 22:32:00

I make a lovely one which includes 1/2 cup skim milk powder and 4 cups of boiling water, no liquid milk. Sooo creamy and I make it in the crockpot. Yummo

standard - 2018-01-11 19:42:00
standard wrote:

I make a lovely one which includes 1/2 cup skim milk powder and 4 cups of boiling water, no liquid milk. Sooo creamy and I make it in the crockpot. Yummo

Recipe please :-) Always love a good rice pudding.

dibble35 - 2018-01-12 13:57:00

I make mine in the crockpot all the time but one trick I have learnt is don't put the sugar in until AFTER it is cooked and it will stay nice and white as the sugar doesn't caramelise.. and you tend to use less.

camper18 - 2018-01-12 15:11:00

Wish i could remember myself where i got the recipe cos it was sooooo yummy. Heres a recipe i might try next time.

molly37 - 2018-01-13 18:58:00

Not really a summer favourite, but to sad to lose all those versions.

uli - 2019-01-08 18:13:00

Oh I could eat rice pudding any time of the year....but in summer I'd eat it as my main, with some cold fruit.

Edited by wheelz at 6:17 pm, Thu 10 Jan

wheelz - 2019-01-10 18:16:00

This message was deleted.

jills3 - 2019-01-10 18:32:00

an ol' favourite

bev00 - 2020-01-06 23:42:00
bev00 wrote:

an ol' favourite

It absolutely is. I made the one time mistake of using green topped milk for a creamy baked rice pudding about 30 years ago and I still feel the disappointment :-)

malcovy - 2020-01-07 09:28:00
kiwiscrapper1 wrote:

I haven't made one for years either and usually just the Edmonds cookbook one, interested in other recipe, Jo Seagars one sounds nice and quick instead of 2hours!

I use an old edmonds recipe - the new one is different, but microwave for about five minutes before putting it in the oven, cuts heaps off the oven time.

monofoil - 2020-01-15 19:08:00

I always made rice pudding by cooking the rice in water first, making sure the moisture was all absorbed, lightly beating in eggs and sugar to taste and then stirring in milk heated in microwave. Pour into baking dish, sprinkle with nutmeg and bake in oven until just set. Husband liked it with sultanas added.

Edited by mcdaff at 2:21 pm, Fri 17 Jan

mcdaff - 2020-01-17 14:19:00
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