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Spinach - what do people do with it?


I have been given some and have no idea what to do with it. I thought you could use it raw in a salad, but have been told it has to be cooked.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

onzy - 2015-03-30 14:40:00

I just steam it or microwave it to wilt it, add some lemon juice and eat it.
or put a bit on pizzas.

unknowndisorder - 2015-03-30 14:42:00

This message was deleted.

pericles - 2015-03-30 14:43:00

Use it in frittata or quiche. Makes a nice extra layer in lasanga - kids will hardly notice. Spanakopita perhaps.

paora-tm - 2015-03-30 14:47:00

Spinach Salad

Spinach Leaves
Red Grapes
Feta Cheese
Olive Oil
Lemon Juice

Mix Spinach leaves with red grapes and toss with Olive Oil and Lemon Juice. Sprinkle with crumbed Feta.

skye7 - 2015-03-30 14:57:00

It is also great in smoothies. It does not need to be cooked

skye7 - 2015-03-30 14:58:00

Wilt it in a large pan over high heat with some butter or olive oil and salt, as soon as it is all softened add some lemon juice and serve warm.

davidt4 - 2015-03-30 15:04:00

I put a little water in a pot with some crushed garlic and a little salt and steam it, tossing it to cook it through. I cut it up roughly but you can leave the leaves whole.
I also like cooking it and then adding it to mashed pumpkin and cottage cheese and stuffing cannelloni tubes with it.
Silverbeet is lovely in lasagne too.

lyingnun - 2015-03-30 15:08:00

Make Joe's Special,I've always made the Alison Holst version and we love it. None of the recipes online seem to match. Basically it's a version of a large spinach, beef mince and egg omelet - sounds disgusting right? LOL - it's really not and makes a great sandwich filler if there's leftovers. Do you want the recipe? You do need a lot of spinach (or I usually use silverbeet since that's what we have available more often but both work).

sampa - 2015-03-30 15:10:00

I always use spinach for salads, actually like it better than lettuce. Also great in smoothies.

angie117 - 2015-03-30 15:56:00

Yes please Sampa. I'd like the recipe.

dbab - 2015-03-30 18:26:00

Give to my chooks ... They lurve it

happychappy50 - 2015-03-30 20:05:00

Its awesome raw. Heaps of recipes on Google.

awoftam - 2015-03-30 20:43:00

I like a bit in my coleslaw to add another colour.

roshu - 2015-03-30 21:12:00

Mix it in with your salad.... I make a dish with about 500gms chicken pan fried with cajun spices, layer with cooked pumpkin, then layered with spinach ( you need the whole bag). Sprinkle grated cheese and then pour three or four beaten eggs. Add some bread crumbs. Cooked for 20-30mins at 180 degrees. Eat hot or cold.

leebee35 - 2015-03-30 22:42:00

Okay, no probs but this comes with a disclaimer - I have made this so often over the years (as evidenced by the state of the page in my recipe book) that I tend not to adhere to the quantities specified instead tweaking to fit around what I happen to have available, the size of the pan I'm cooking it in and our appetites (as in how much is likely to be left over and will I get to it before hubbys stakes his claim for his lunch tomorrow lol). So I generally end up using more eggs and I add heaps of spinach or silverbeet because the shrinkage factor with both is really high and we love either in this dish.

500g beef mince
1 chopped onion
2 garlic cloves chopped
1 Tbsp oil (if needed)
250 - 400gm spinach leaves
1 Tbsp beef stock powder (that's not a typo - a tablespoon is the correct measure).
3 eggs
and 1/2 a tsp of salt (I don't bother, heaps of saltiness in the stock already)

Brown mince, onion and garlic (I have discovered the joys of those jars of crushed garlic, makes life so much simpler) add oil if needed. Chop spinach leaves coarsely discarding stems and stir into mince mixture. Sprinkle with beef stock and add a little water if it looks dry (I always add some water at this point, maybe 1/4 of a cup - depends on the size of the pan you're using so use your own judgement). Give it a stir and cover and let steam for 3 or 4 minutes. Remove lid and allow any excess liquid to evaporate (move it around the pan a bit at this stage to help the process out). Beat eggs and pour them over the mixture in pan. You may need to tilt the pan and/or lift the eggs a little with a wide spatula to help ensure even setting at this point but try not to move them around too much or you'll end up with a more scrambled outcome which there's nothing much wrong with but an omelette type result is what you're going for. Normally I start with a hot pan for the meat browning part and then lower the temperature when I get to the eggs so they set without burning.

This part is totally your call but I have to serve this with white rice (I just always have and it seems right to me) and, no idea why as I'm not a huge fan usually, tomato sauce. I blame Alison Holst, she suggested it in her cookbook and I was young at the time and easily swayed by the power of the written word.... believe me? No, don't blame you at all. ~ Enjoy.

sampa - 2015-03-31 09:21:00

This is glorious. Just stunning.

awoftam - 2015-03-31 18:27:00

Spinach does NOT need to be cooked !! I snip it into little ribbons with scissors and add to everything - from salads to pasta, frittatas, omelettes, lasagnes...everything. I also love it on its own as a side-dish, lightly steamed or microwaved with a sprinkling of salt & pepper and some nutmeg (nutmeg has a natural affinity with spinach). Spinach is extremely nutritious.

cameron-albany - 2015-04-01 22:03:00

I throw it in the mince sauce mixture when making lasagna. Great way to get greens into the kids!

dinkypinky - 2015-04-02 10:59:00

Spinach is my 'go to' dinner if I can't be faffed cooking. Lightly steamed spinach, a couple of poached eggs, tomato & a grate of smoked cheese ...easy & delicious, imo. I try to have a constant supply as like others, I use it a lot in salads, quiches etc & even though I grow silver beet, most of it goes to my chooks, as to me spinach is way more preferable.

samanya - 2015-04-02 11:43:00

Also very good in a lot of vegetarian type pasta dishes. Cannelloni stuffed with a mixture of spinach and ricotta comes to mind but why stop there? Tonnes of ways to use it in dishes of that nature or, be a devil, and make a non vegetarian cannelloni based on the above with the addition of minced beef or pork.

sampa - 2015-04-02 15:11:00

I love spinach - raw if young and tender, sauteed or mucrowaved if I eant it hot - serve it with curry instead of rice

sarahb5 - 2015-04-02 19:22:00

I just steam it then sprinkle it with salt. Doesn't need anything else doing to it.

..pip.. - 2015-04-02 19:24:00

Yip it is nice that way however good to have a variety, esp if yu have a glut to get rid of it ..pip..

awoftam - 2015-04-02 20:10:00

Spinach and feta Greek pie (spanokopita) can do with filo or make your own or buy your own normal pastry. I will be making one on Sunday but I cheated and bought frozen spinach. - 2015-04-02 22:00:00

bump for spinach - not the time of year yet though.

uli - 2016-04-01 18:13:00

Just had steamed spinach fresh from the garden, seasoned with a knob butter, S&P and a pinch of nutmeg.

nauru - 2016-04-01 18:18:00
davidt4 wrote:

Wilt it in a large pan over high heat with some butter or olive oil and salt, as soon as it is all softened add some lemon juice and serve warm.

This ..with a couple of poached eggs ...yummy.
eta ...didn't realise that this was a bumped thread ..sorry for repeating myself ;o)
Spinach quiche, souffle type dishes, spinach anything is a winner in my house.

Edited by samanya at 6:24 pm, Fri 1 Apr

samanya - 2016-04-01 18:22:00
uli wrote:

bump for spinach - not the time of year yet though.

It is at our house. My spinach is growing prolifically at the moment and we have it with meals most days.

nauru - 2016-04-01 18:22:00
uli wrote:

bump for spinach - not the time of year yet though.

I can manage to grow it throughout the year ...not that well over summer, but I manage to have some year round, if I plan well, but of course i can't grow what you guys way up north can ...swings & roundabouts...hmmm?

samanya - 2016-04-01 18:27:00


bev00 - 2017-04-02 02:01:00

Use it like any other green vege, peas, beans etc.Stirfries, just boil a bit and serve, add to stews, whatever.

lythande1 - 2017-04-02 17:13:00

Tortilla, steamed spinach, babaganoush and grated cheese - grill or toast it.

amasser - 2017-04-02 18:59:00

I put it on pizza with pumpkin, feta and whatever else I can find

sarahb5 - 2017-04-04 22:23:00

Its devine when you put it in a thai curry, it doesn't need much cooking, maybe five minutes at the end before your curry is ready.

angel361 - 2017-04-11 16:25:00

If doing baked layered potatoes, put a couple of layers of spinach in.

Often as a 'pot luck' dinner dish, stuffed pumpkin, (microwave the deseeded pumpkin first), in a non-stick or stoneware saucepan, add oil or butter, cook a little chopped onion, (garlic and a little chopped chili - optional) capsicum etc. then add mixed cheeses including cream cheese, sour cream, (or any leftovers!) then a can of creamed sweet corn and spinach - fresh or frozen. Black pepper to taste. Heat through and fill the cooked pumpkin.

Seems to go do well as we keep getting asked to bring it, even though it is supposed to be 'Pot Luck'!

Edited by socram at 5:40 pm, Tue 11 Apr

socram - 2017-04-11 17:26:00

Spinach tuna pasta bake ...yum
Spinach in /on anything really ...yum

jbsouthland - 2017-04-13 17:51:00

I addit to the cheese sauce when making lasagne.

kiwiscrapper1 - 2017-04-13 19:57:00

I love it in Spanakopita (spinach, feta and filo pie) and here's a couple of recipes.Classic Spanakopita -
And a snackish version -

but I found this recipe on Pinterest a couple of months ago, and it's very tasty, with an easy-peasy but interesting crust.... I am making it again, for lunch tomorrow.

Spinach and Gruyere Cheese Quiche with a Hash Brown Crust

1 pkg frozen hash browns, thawed and squeezed dry
2 Tablespoons butter, melted
1 egg
A sprinkle of onion powder, garlic powder, Italian seasonings, salt & pepper

1/4 cup red pepper, diced
1/4 cup green pepper, diced
1/4 cup onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
6 egg whites and 3 eggs
1/2 cup whole milk
1 1/2 cups Gruyere cheese (I used half Gruyere, half strong tasty)
1 pkg organic baby spinach (a cup and a ½ is about right)
3¬-4 slices bacon
Seasoning to taste

1. Add a little olive oil to the bottom of a spring form pan and line with baking paper, including the sides. Brush with more oil on top of the baking paper. Set aside
2. Combine the hash browns, melted butter, egg and spices in a bowl and put them in the pan pushing them up the sides
3. Cook in a preheated oven at 400 for 20¬25 minutes or until the hash browns start to crisp up

4. In a small pan, over low/medium heat, add a Tablespoon of oil and sauté the onions, pepper and garlic for 8¬10 minutes or until soft and translucent. Add the spinach and cook another few minutes over low heat until wilted. Set aside to cool
5. In a bowl, combine the eggs, egg whites, milk, cheese and bacon. Add the cooled onions and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper and pour into the hash brown crust pan
6. Reduce the heat to 350 and bake for 40-45 minutes

Edited by autumnwinds at 11:57 pm, Thu 13 Apr

autumnwinds - 2017-04-13 23:55:00

bump for roseann48

uli - 2018-04-11 21:21:00

My son cooks it with eggs and mushrooms for his breakfast every morning, with some soy sauce and cider vinegar on it. Loves it.

morticia - 2018-04-11 21:26:00

Would love that too - but no-one cooks it for me :(

uli - 2018-04-13 15:49:00

Cooked spinach drained, topped with grated cheese, poached egg on top sprinkle black pepper and sea salt, nice for lunch.

fifie - 2019-03-17 19:57:00
unknowndisorder wrote:

I just steam it or microwave it to wilt it, add some lemon juice and eat it.
or put a bit on pizzas.

you can try frying off onions first and then add the spinach, then add a little curry and cream,, when the cream had reduced add a little grated cheese or Parmesan, season and eat,, if you like mushrooms slice the mushrooms and saute off with the onions,,

aktow - 2019-03-17 23:11:00
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