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If there is anything better than trifle...?


Trifle is just wonderful.

Any other trifle lovers out there?

gaspodetwd - 2014-09-15 17:52:00

Love my mums trifle. No alcohol in it. Yummy!

aglarana - 2014-09-15 18:17:00

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cookessentials - 2014-09-15 18:54:00

It was probably the only thing Mum could afford to make as a treat when we were kids so grew up with it. And now ... can't be bothered.

wasgonna - 2014-09-15 19:20:00

Hate trifle, never make it, hubby loves it but he sure as hell doesn't get it made for him. Cold custard, soggy sponge yukkkkkk

lodgelocum - 2014-09-15 19:24:00

haven't met a person yet that hasn't loved my custard ever,,,,,,,i don't like other peoples trifles lol...I don't like mixed fruits or jelly in it

motorbo - 2014-09-15 19:31:00

Hubby loves it, I think it's ok. I never had it growing up and have never really like jelly, Ill eat it but yeah not a giant fan.

antoniab - 2014-09-15 20:01:00
motorbo wrote:

haven't met a person yet that hasn't loved my custard ever,,,,,,,i don't like other peoples trifles lol...I don't like mixed fruits or jelly in it

Being a mere male I love trifle, Mum never made it Gran did boozy the better for Gran. And I like custard. Please post your recipe Motorbo xmas is almost here.

timturtle - 2014-09-15 20:12:00

Love trifle. Mum used to make them for special occasions. Birthdays, Christmas. Now I make one, just at Christmas. Got to have, sherry on the sponge. Yum.

willman - 2014-09-15 20:21:00

I like custard and jelly and one type of fruit - either raspberries or boysenberries. Cream. Preferably with chocolate shavings on top. Has to be Swiss roll not just sponge. I prefer no alcohol but as a trifle slut I will eat the alcoholic version and mixed fruit version if that is all that's on offer.

gaspodetwd - 2014-09-15 21:19:00

Trifle is great any way you make it. I make a warm trifle with sponge, jar of cherries, booze, chocolate, custard layered and heated in the oven. Great comfort food and feeds a crowd easily.

tiogapass1 - 2014-09-16 11:39:00

Yes OP I agree, you can't beat a good alcoholic trifle, but I love my own the best. oops. I do make a creamy custard and it has to have enough whipped cream on top to be delicious.

I make a wonderful baked cheesecake and a fabulous pavlova too, they would both be as good, or even better than the trifle. (sorry OP)
A good pumpkin pie is also very hard to beat.

kiwilion - 2014-09-16 12:10:00

ve listed the custard recipe first as some might want it but not my trifle, I sometimes use sponge and other times I make the cake

Trifle custard
1 cup of custard powder
1 cup of sugar
3 cups of milk
300ml of thickened cream
2 teaspoons of vanilla
4 egg yolks
Combine custard powder and sugar in pan and gradually stir in the milk, stir constantly over heat until mixture boils and thickens, remove from heat and stir in thickened cream, vanilla and egg yolks, cool to room temperature before using in trifle.
My hints: start mixing the milk in before it gets too hot, do not heat on high – med temp is best, when it starts to thicken take off the heat and beat it hard its firm so you need strong arms, add cream first to cool it a wee bit when eggs go in beat fast so as to not cook the egg first
My trifle
I make tims lemon trickle mash cake – its gluten free and can be found on river cottage website
I do not add the lemon to the cake after baking i use it as my trifle sponge instead, so i chop it up and place all of it in a bowl, i then add 1-2 tins of boysenberries, custard on top, sliced bananas on top of that then whipped cream, then strawberry halves and a jar of passion fruit over this

timturtle wrote:

Being a mere male I love trifle, Mum never made it Gran did boozy the better for Gran. And I like custard. Please post your recipe Motorbo xmas is almost here.

motorbo - 2014-09-16 12:25:00

Trifle lover here too. I do swiss roll on the bottom. Soak in alcohol then add fruit salad. Cover with jelly let set, then add heaps of creamy custard. Let set then Top with plenty of fresh cream and decorated with fruit and grated chocolate on top.

kiwitrish - 2014-09-16 12:28:00

I made trifle last week (non boozy for the first time, turned out great) and then, possibly due to withdrawals due to the lack of booze in the trifle, I made tiramisu on the weekend... drenched with strong coffee laced with brandy, lathered with layers of mascarpone mixed with kahlua and scattered with chopped up chunks of Whittakers 72% dark ghana chocolate.

I'd happily consume either again right now if someone was offering. :)

sampa - 2014-09-16 13:07:00

I have been told I'm not a good Kiwi as I can't stand trifle or pavlova.

kay141 - 2014-09-16 13:25:00
cookessentials wrote:

Cant say I am a fan, however, my Black Forest trifle is yummy. Just not into cold custard and sponge lol.

hi cook could you post your recipe please

willy911 - 2014-09-16 15:26:00

Another trifle fan here. I've been in charge of making it at the family Xmas for the past 25yrs and it's always the same. Trifle sponge, soaked with brandy/sherry and the juice out of the canned fruit salad, topped with fruit salad, custard (Edmonds) and whipped cream. Retro, not flash, just the way we love it.

battgirl - 2014-09-16 15:45:00

Absolutely LOVE trifle. Big fight on xmas day for the trifle and best breakfast ever on boxing day eating it again.

asue - 2014-09-16 17:32:00

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iman007 - 2014-09-16 17:35:00

Mil's is the best. No alcohol and berries mmmmmm

mumstu - 2014-09-16 17:38:00
sampa wrote:

I made trifle last week (non boozy for the first time, turned out great) and then, possibly due to withdrawals due to the lack of booze in the trifle, I made tiramisu on the weekend... drenched with strong coffee laced with brandy, lathered with layers of mascarpone mixed with kahlua and scattered with chopped up chunks of Whittakers 72% dark ghana chocolate.
I'd happily consume either again right now if someone was offering. :)

OMG that sound devine, let me know when you make it again and I will come visit LOL

lcl2 - 2014-09-16 18:57:00

Would prefer tiramisu

rovertniloc - 2014-09-16 19:29:00

I can't stand sponge trifle, Ambrosia is far better (cream, fruit yogurt, mini marshmallows and pineapple lumps).

Or what I usually know as trifle, which is cookie bear cookies layered with tinned peaches or apricots and topped with cream.

fizzy_kiwi - 2014-09-16 20:49:00

Anything is better than trifle.

lythande1 - 2014-09-17 06:56:00
willy911 wrote:

hi cook could you post your recipe please

willy911, here's the recipe you're wanting from cookessentials/brianmac/Pam...-

1 chocolate Swiss roll, sliced
pitted cherries, bought in a jar and drained, or frozen boysenberries
a little brandy or kirsch – adults only (or orange juice)
1-2 x 500g tubs Tararua Chocolate Mousse or about 6 Chocolate Viguer Dairy Foods
whipped cream and grated chocolate

Place the Swiss roll slices around the sides and bottom of a nice clear glass bowl, then add either the drained pitted cherries OR the still frozen boysenberries - place the fruit over the sponge making sure that a few are “poked” in the gaps on the sides as it looks pretty from the outside. Add the brandy or kirsch if using.
Whip up the Chocolate Mousse, using 1 or 2 tubs depending on how large the trifle is required to be – alternatively use the Viguer Dairy Food. Cover the Swiss Roll and fruit with the mousse/dairy food, then top it with whipped cream and grated chocolate - the frozen boysenberries will have thawed by the time dessert is served and the juice will moisten the sponge. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 10:25 am, Wed 17 Sep

245sam - 2014-09-17 10:24:00

thanks sam I have a similar one but it has port wine jelly and chocolate custard thanks

willy911 - 2014-09-17 10:29:00
lcl2 wrote:

OMG that sound devine, let me know when you make it again and I will come visit LOL

LOL IcI2.... might be a while till I next make it, it wasn't exactly 'health-food' if you catch my drift. ;-)

sampa - 2014-09-17 10:38:00
asue wrote:

Absolutely LOVE trifle. Big fight on xmas day for the trifle and best breakfast ever on boxing day eating it again.

I agree, its lovely having any leftover for breakfast, very sinful. Tastes better too, as many things do the next day.

kiwilion - 2014-09-17 14:15:00

I adore trifle ...any trifle will do .......I want a big bowl right now ...seems so long since I had a trifle!

ljayl - 2014-09-17 18:47:00

Love with brandy AND sherry in it.....

punkinthefirst - 2014-09-18 17:50:00

Hmmm, me too. Make mine with swiss jam roll sprinkled with drops of raspberry fizzy and sweet sherry, 1/2 pkt frozen mixed berries, layered with almost set lime instant pudding (no custard), whipped chantilly cream and shavings of dark choc. The colour combo looks great in glass bowl.

ironthrone990 - 2014-09-19 09:15:00

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cookessentials - 2014-09-19 09:39:00

Recipe please cookessentials

ehance2011 - 2014-09-19 10:56:00

Love trifle, but no one else does except a couple of the grandies, I make it at Christmas and pretty much eat the lot.

vashti - 2014-09-19 15:49:00

I have been intrepid and discovered that if you want to turn your trifle tipsy (as in Tipsy Laird - the Scottish variant) you are supposed to add whisky rather than sherry and decorate with fresh raspberries apparently. I suspect there is probably a version of something 'trifle like' in most cultures ~ hic. :)

sampa - 2014-09-19 16:19:00

Going to do a trifle at Christmas this year as we find pav etc too rich and for two people I only need to make one dessert. It's been years since I made one and it'll just be traditional but I want to try Puhoi Butterscotch custard.
Anyway my question is do I make it Christmas Eve so everything soaks overnight or Christmas morning? Or is it personal preference?

wildflower - 2014-09-20 14:00:00

Hmm thats a difficult one. You want the flavour of the sherry if your using it, but too much or left too lomg it may ferment. I would do it first thing Christmas morning and make it large enough that there is something left fo Boxing Day Breakfast

crails - 2014-09-20 16:08:00
wildflower wrote:

Going to do a trifle at Christmas this year as we find pav etc too rich and for two people I only need to make one dessert. It's been years since I made one and it'll just be traditional but I want to try Puhoi Butterscotch custard.
Anyway my question is do I make it Christmas Eve so everything soaks overnight or Christmas morning? Or is it personal preference?

Probably a personal preference and given the fact that so many people (myself included) are more than happy to consume trifle the following day (can't have waste after all LOL) making it the day prior is not such a bad idea. Also, want to add, Puhoi Valley products - cheese's, custards, yoghurt etc - are all delicious. Good choice!

sampa - 2014-09-20 16:34:00
lythande1 wrote:

Anything is better than trifle.

My hubby would agree with you but I love it, he's an any pud and custard man. Trifle for me must have sherry, sponge, jelly & fruit in it, topped with custard & cream ^ grated choc & nuts. Xmas treat only these days.

nauru - 2014-09-20 17:29:00

Puts her hand up along with her oldest daughter. Yummmy

marcs - 2014-09-20 22:40:00
ehance2011 wrote:

Recipe please cookessentials

ehance2011, cookessentials' recipe can be found at #1 in the thread titled "Mama's Cake" at:-

245sam - 2014-09-20 23:01:00
aglarana wrote:

Love my mums trifle. No alcohol in it. Yummy!

I loved my Mother's trifle and my groandmother's trifle (Probably the same recipe) No one elses trifle is quite the same

bunny51 - 2014-09-22 10:41:00

my old grandma made trifle for xmas for all of 30=40 years.plum
pudding as well which she would put a threepenny bit in it as was
dished out. great at making cream horns as well. she was a great
cook everyone was sad when she passed on as they could not
find her receipes. one of the great cooks of her time.

claudds - 2014-10-19 21:58:00

Instead of powdered custard mix for the trifle I make the Icecream pudding custard from the Edmonds cold deserts section. It is much nicer and softer. Often sprinkle jelly crystals through a fine sieve on top and grated chocolate.

camper18 - 2014-10-20 08:48:00

I always think I will do something different but then go back to my original trifle recipe. And I agree about Boxing day breakfast - a fight to get trifle for breakfast.

It's one of those iconic dishes - and a bringer of very happy memories.

gaspodetwd - 2014-10-20 10:04:00

Yes some foods certainly bring memories,all love trifle here,none as good as my late MIL's though.When my daughter first brought her boyfriend for Christmas someone had not put it back in the fridge properly and he literally wore the trifle.Poor boy it was all over him.They are still together many years later.Often laugh when we remember.

genpat - 2014-10-21 06:53:00

Sometimes it can be a "trifle" too sweet for me :)

uli - 2015-10-19 15:44:00
kay141 wrote:

I have been told I'm not a good Kiwi as I can't stand trifle or pavlova.

Don't mind that, I am a born kiwi & I agree, I don't like either, too sweet for me.

samanya - 2015-10-19 17:02:00
samanya wrote:

Don't mind that, I am a born kiwi & I agree, I don't like either, too sweet for me.

Doesn't worry me. I like fruit, custard and jelly but can''t stand soggy sponge and pav is just sickly, nor do I like whipped cream, except in a brandy snap or chocolate eclair.

kay141 - 2015-10-19 17:08:00
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