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Making food gifts to sell?


I'm pondering doing some baking/making in November to have a table at a local weekly market a few times before Christmas.

Please give me your ideas of baking and things like curds, truffles etc that last for ages!

Edited by missing1 at 11:09 am, Tue 28 Sep

missing1 - 2021-09-28 11:09:00

Shortbread? Always lovely at Christmas. Fudge too. Christmas mince pies.

yapper - 2021-09-28 11:49:00

Spiced roasted nuts for decadence

lilyfield - 2021-09-28 17:47:00

I think you need a licence of some sort and a commercially approved kitchen - check with your local council

sarahb5 - 2021-09-28 20:11:00

Onion marmalade, lemon curd [needs refrigeration though], pickles, chutneys, roasted spiced nuts, Xmas biscuits - shortbread, shaped iced cookies - use a mold plunger, candies, chocolates, fudges, etc, candied fruit. Also soaps, perfumed sachets, origami boxes, decorated photo frames.

Edited by voyager4 at 1:49 pm, Fri 1 Oct

voyager4 - 2021-10-01 13:47:00
sarahb5 wrote:

I think you need a licence of some sort and a commercially approved kitchen - check with your local council

There is an exception for fundraisers and some things. It'll be on the MBIE website

2bit - 2021-10-01 13:54:00
2bit wrote:

There is an exception for fundraisers and some things. It'll be on the MBIE website

Generally for things like school fairs and the like rather than a “commercial” market

sarahb5 - 2021-10-01 15:08:00
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