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URGENT HELP NEEDED - Baby singlet knitting pattern


Good morning. I am new to this and wonder if there is anyone on this thread who could provide me with a SIMPLE knitting pattern for 4ply ribbed baby singlet? I have googled and found a few but, as an amateur, once I get to the arms/neck I get confused. Also, I do not have circular needles.
My d-i-l is due to have a baby next month and I need to quickly knit some singlets as she is unable to get to the shops due to lockdown and all online singlets are too big sizes. Thank you.

brenda007 - 2021-08-26 11:04:00

here's a pattern for a small singlet - it says 2ply but I would use 4ply seeing it's not for a prem. Hope you can manage it.

yapper - 2021-08-26 11:56:00

And this is probably a better one - I've made this several times. And it's not for prems.

yapper - 2021-08-26 11:58:00

Thank you so much for your wonderful prompt response. I will check both of the above out.

brenda007 - 2021-08-26 18:42:00

Now days they sell a unit which is basically 2 short 'needles' with a point at one end and joined at the other end by a piece of nylon string (similar to fishing line material but much thicker) instead of the old fashioned set of 4 needles with points at each end. If desperate tho' one could chop the end off 4 conventional needles and just round that end off so they are smooth and don't snag the yarn. It might be a little bit fiddlier, but will work just as well.

brouser3 - 2021-08-27 14:02:00
brouser3 wrote:

Now days they sell a unit which is basically 2 short 'needles' with a point at one end and joined at the other end by a piece of nylon string (similar to fishing line material but much thicker) instead of the old fashioned set of 4 needles with points at each end. If desperate tho' one could chop the end off 4 conventional needles and just round that end off so they are smooth and don't snag the yarn. It might be a little bit fiddlier, but will work just as well.

You can still buy sets of DPN's (Double pointed needles). The others you describe are called circular needles.

alimmw - 2021-08-27 14:40:00
alimmw wrote:

You can still buy sets of DPN's (Double pointed needles). The others you describe are called circular needles.

Yes - I know that. Both serve the same purpose - just a case of personal preference.

brouser3 - 2021-08-27 22:38:00

brouser, why are you putting this on here, I wonder? It is about baby singlets. Actually I use a circular needle for all my knitting, not necessarily in the round. I find my hands don't get so sore with them. Have always used plastic or bamboo straight needles too, as steelies make my hands hurt immediately! I am so glad we have a choice. Knitting is such a good pastime for lockdown times - as long as you have enough supplies to do it!

Edited by yapper at 6:46 pm, Sat 28 Aug

yapper - 2021-08-28 18:46:00

this is a pattern we knit for babies in maternity. 4ply wool size 10 needles. cast on 60 sts work dble rib - k2 p2 for 25cm. make a second piece the same. sew up side seams leaving 8cm for armholes. sew shoulder seams leaving 12cm for head. this gives a boatneck finish and the rib gives a snug fit.happy knitting

figjam000 - 2021-09-01 09:08:00

The one I always use is: Baby Singlet by Lorainne Major. Its a free download from internet. Front yoke crasses over so no gapping neck and hole large enough for a growing baby. It is done in broken rib but I add one extra stitch and do it in 2 X 2 rib. Never fails. Happy knitting.

-nana- - 2021-09-04 08:37:00

Plunket used to have a pattern that was basically 2 rectangles. The shoulder pieces wrapped over each other to form a bit of shaping. I'll see if I can find it.

spidermurti - 2021-09-04 09:40:00

I made grand daughter a all in one piece 1x1 rib singlet. Not because it was ever used but because she had to have one to go home with! Never again. There are two and two patterns that are much easier especially for a beginner. I hated hand knitted singlets when I had babies 30 years ago and wonder how many of the singlets so lovingly made and given to new mums, ever get on the babies.

landylass - 2021-09-05 23:30:00

There are a couple of free singlet patterns on the Creative Fibre NZ site.

heatherg20 - 2021-09-07 16:38:00

Middlemore hospital has free patterns online.

nzrose7 - 2021-09-21 09:54:00
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